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Policies and CSR

For D-S, transparency is an important part of our relationship with our customers and stakeholders

That is why we have published our communication on the status report to the UN Global Compact

Quality policy

At D-S safety equipment A / S, we consider quality as an extremely important parameter for our company's success. At the same time, we define quality, in addition to the purely product-related conditions, to also cover our ability to deliver at the right price, for us to be flexible, to meet delivery times and to provide good service. "

D-S regards quality management as a means of achieving good customer satisfaction. That is why we have drawn up a quality policy, which you can read more about here.

Quality management system

An ISO 9001 certified quality management system does not in itself mean that high quality products are made - it is more a signal to the outside world that you have control over what quality you make. The level of quality is defined by the company itself, therefore it is important that an ISO-certified company in the execution of the quality management system determines this level. We have done this in D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A / S. We consider quality as an important parameter for the success of our company.

We pursue three business goals when it comes to quality:

  1. Through constant production technical and mechanical development, we must be able to deliver products of accurate quality at the right competitive price. We have set a requirement for ourselves to be a leader with regard to our production technical ability, which means significant investments in modern machines and equipment so that we can produce our products in the highest quality, as well as in a time-optimal way. This means that we can produce at an extremely competitive price, while our customers do not have to bother with defective or defective products. This further optimizes customers' installation times and costs on our products, which ultimately means that products supplied by D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A / S become further competitive.

  2. The customer's wishes and needs must be constantly at the forefront and our organization must be trimmed to be able to handle this. D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A / S is an extremely customer-oriented company. It is clear to us that we live off satisfied customers, who at times operate in hectic market situations where rapid response times and adjustments often become necessary. Our organization is structured in a way that means that flexibility is a high priority. This means that the reaction time from decision to action is as short as possible, which we consider to be a great qualitative advantage for our customers.

  3. Delivery times must always be observed in accordance with the customer. The quality of the delivery time is also a high priority at D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A / S. When we together with the customer determine a delivery plan for a delivery, the customer can trust that this delivery plan holds. Our delivery is usually only part of the customer's total delivery, and it is important to us that our part of this total delivery does not cause delays for the customer.

When delivering total and system solutions In addition to the above three quality objectives, we have a special focus on:

Testing: All items are tested according to the customers' specific wishes, and we are happy to assist with the preparation of proposals for testing procedures and associated documentation.

Dokumentation: Den lange erfaring med udarbejdelse og styring af dokumentation gør at vi er i stand til at håndtere de stigende krav til dokumentation af vores færdige emner. Kravet til dokumentation defineres normalt af kunden, men D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A/S vil altid som standard have et minimum af af dokumentation som indbefatter forklaring, både skriftlig og visuelt udformet med omfanget af det færdige produkt, samt tilhørende arkivering i vores cloud-baseret database værktøj som kunden kan få adgang.

Audits: Audits of our ISO 9001 quality management system are performed by Bureau Veritas twice a year, to check that our system is continuously updated and functional. In addition, by agreement with the customers, special customer-related audits can be performed, the purpose of which is for the customer to be assured that his particular deliveries are produced in accordance with the agreement. Although D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A / S sees it as a matter of course to give customers this opportunity, it is our philosophy that this should not be necessary for our customers. What has been agreed is complied with.

Internal quality policies

In D-S 'quality policies, we express 7 goals and attitudes to quality:

  1. Remember your responsibility: As an employee of D-S, you are responsible for the quality of the work performed.

  2. Plan the quality: As an employee of D-S, when you perform a task, you must assess whether the methods and products you use provide the agreed quality.

  3. Seek more knowledge: As an employee of D-S, you must be qualified to perform the work tasks. We will therefore continuously offer training, courses and education, so you can keep up to date with new knowledge about your subject.

  4. Report errors: As an employee of D-S, we need to register and learn from our mistakes so that we can become even better at our job.

  5. Instruct your employees about quality: As a leader in D-S, you must strengthen and maintain the employees' quality awareness through daily management and information about new requirements, new products and new technology.

  6. Ask the customer: In D-S, we must ask the customer if our quality lives up to the desired expectations and requirements.

  7. Action plans: Based on quality analysis, quality objectives and quality policy, as well as follow-up on monitoring areas and areas for improvement, plans with specific goals and actions must be prepared for the individual business areas.

Quality and PPE

Personal protective equipment is covered by Executive Order no. 651 of 23 July 1992 on safety requirements, etc. for Personal Protective Equipment. The Executive Order entered into force on 1 August 1992 and transposed EC Directive No. 89/686 into Danish law, with a transitional period initially until 1 January 1993, later extended until 1 July 1995.

  • As an importer / supplier of Personal Protective Equipment, D-S is automatically subject to the directive and only markets the CE-marked and approved safety equipment.

  • It is not possible for a manufacturer to have highly classified personal protective equipment approved without being ISO (or equivalent) certified.

  • Suppliers to D-S are required to provide declarations of conformity and updated test results for ordered products.

  • The shelf life / expiration date of the incoming goods for use is checked and it is checked that the instructions for use are included.

  • Personal protective equipment is stored dry in warehouses with climate / dehumidification systems and is delivered, as a general rule, to the customer in original packaging according to the First in / First out principle.

  • D-S 'website ( is continuously updated i.f.m. product news, product changes / modifications, new test results, etc.

Environmental policy

Environment is the natural environment as a whole that can be affected by human activities. Economic growth and correct security solutions (to ensure the protection of the customer's health and values) are inextricably linked. Globalization has been driven by increased trade, and the competitiveness of companies is highly dependent on efficient and reliable business processes.

Total security solutions in the industrialized and highly knowledge-based society which also takes care of and if possible does not burden the environment is a necessity, as well as a prerequisite for prosperity on the whole globe.

D-S feels obliged to assume its share of responsibility for assisting in a healthy and well-run environment.

Within the environmental area, D-S has adopted policies such as relates to our logistics systems, compliance with legal requirements, use of equipment in production and in stock, as well as in the selection of suppliers.

"As an importer and distributor of Personal Protective Equipment, D-S does not, in principle, contribute directly to the significant impact on the environment."


  • As part of improving the environment around us, we have chosen to eliminate as many products as possible that contain PVC / Vinyl.


  • D-S is committed to creating logistics and production systems with the least possible resource consumption and environmental impact. Therefore, our business concept is continuously developed and improved so that the Group's products and services at all times reflect environmental considerations.

  • D-S will conduct an open and constructive dialogue with authorities, customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders about the environmental issues in connection with the group's activities. D-S is aware of its responsibilities and will at all times meet the requirements of the authorities.

  • Our suppliers are selected on a professional business basis, which also includes an assessment of their environmental and social responsibility.

  • DS will ensure that all activities are planned and carried out taking into account the individual, the working environment and the environment in which they are carried out, and to ensure that the working environment work is dynamic, so that efforts are optimized and resources are utilized to the best extent technical and economic. possible.

  • All activities at D-S must be carried out at all times in accordance with relevant legislation, as well as the guidelines set by the company for maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.

  • By implementing health-promoting measures, D-S will help to create a low level of sickness absence for all employees at the company.

  • D-S will, where technically and economically possible, create the best possible framework for maintaining a high level of working environment by using the best possible working environment measures and aids on the market, - including personal protective equipment.

Environmental responsibility

  • D-S safety equipment / S wants in various ways to contribute to a better environment internally in the workplace, by:

  • All combustible material (paper, cardboard, plastic, etc.) is placed in a container for later recycling.

  • Used batteries, electrical and electronic waste, etc. stored in the warehouse before transport to the Environmental Station

  • New acquisitions must, as far as possible, be more environmentally friendly than what they replace

  • Lights and other energy consuming items are turned on only when needed

  • Clean-up and removal of waste, etc. must also contribute to both increasing well-being and minimizing the risk of colleagues being harmed

Employee responsibility

  • All newly hired employees must receive information about the company's occupational safety and environmental policy immediately upon employment. All employees must be kept informed of the company's work environment projects and initiatives on an ongoing basis. Orientation can be initiated by notice, overall orientation or the like.

  • Before introducing new work processes, tools, machines and products where doubts can be expressed about the safety and health conditions, the persons involved must be involved and informed about any risks, and if necessary undergo training.

  • The CEO has the overall management responsibility and is thus responsible for ensuring that the relevant requirements are established and implemented, as stated in the Working Environment Act, including the preparation and updating of APVs.

  • Every employee must contribute to improving the working environment in and around the performance of their own work as well as comply with the environmental measures, - including using the relevant personal protective equipment that has been made available.

Human rights

"All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience, and they should act against one another in the spirit of brotherhood."

- Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

D-S is convinced that human rights are rights and freedoms to which all human beings have a right. We also believe that acceptance and respect for internationally recognized human rights is fundamental to all aspects of our business. In addition, D-S is against all forms of discrimination in general as well as in our workplaces.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At D-S safety equipment A / S, CSR is integrated into the way we do business. There is good sense in this, not only for you as a partner, but also for ourselves and our surroundings. We always strive to create the most sustainable solutions in interaction with and for the benefit of our customers. Here you can read our CSR policy.

"We incorporate CSR throughout the company, by demonstrating leadership in the creation of sustainable solutions, production and operations, and work continuously to improve our own performance as a company and as a member of our community."

Why is CSR important for D-S?

As a supplier and manufacturer of safety equipment for all industries and industries, D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr A / S has always been aware of its social responsibility. We focus on our employees, on the environment and on ensuring that we base our work on an ethical business model. Selling safety equipment is not only about getting an item delivered from us to the customer, it is also about the right equipment, that the customer can feel safe, we can feel safe and that everything helps to assist a better future for ourselves and our neighbor.

Our commitment to CSR

We believe that D-S safety equipment A / S 'commitment is relevant and creates value for our company and for our reputation. Furthermore, it is our belief that the performance of D-S 'services is ensured an even higher quality through the CSR work.

D-S's approach to CSR is governed by four key areas: human rights, labor rights, environmental responsibility and anti-corruption. These four areas are in line with the United Nations Global Compact initiative, to which we are affiliated and call on all partners to support.

D-S 'commitment to the Global Compact reflects our desire to join a globally accepted and respected initiative, and we are committed to working with the principles in the context that makes sense for our company.

  • D-S supports and wants to respect internationally recognized human rights.

  • D-S recognizes and supports the equal rights of human beings, and is against discrimination and discrimination in employment and employment conditions due to, for example, race, gender, sexual, religious or political beliefs and ethnic or social background.

We support

In order to live up to our demands and ambitions to be able to assist a healthy environment and show responsibility - we support the world with what we can:


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