BLS 829 Flat-folded Flickit dust mask, type FFP2 NR D, internally adjustable padded noseband, box of 10 pcs.
Filtering BLS Flick-it FFP2 NR D half mask with valve. Replaces 28-BL-729 The easy application in less than 3 seconds with Flick-it from BLS. The 3M CoolFlow Exhalation Valve is easy to breathe through and reduces the accumulation of heat, moisture and carbon dioxide.
BLS er en italiensk fabrikant siden 1970, der dækker en stor del af markedet inden for industrielle åndedrætsværn. Med mange års erfaring sikrer BLS produkter i høj kvalitet, som også fokuserer på ...
Filtrerende Flick-it BLS P2 halvmaske med ventil.
Nem påføring på under 3 sekunder med Flick-it fra BLS.
Udåndingsventilen er let at ånde ud igennem, og den mindsker ophobningen af varme, fugt og carbondioxid.
Hygiejnisk enkeltpakkede i æske.
Fladfoldet - fylder mindre og kan bæres i f.eks. en brystlomme.
Blød indvendig beklædning, som føles behagelig mod huden.
Hovedstropper med konstant elasticitet.
Indvendig justérbar polstret næsebøjle.
Vedligeholdelsesfri papirmaske til beskyttelse mod giftigt støv samt væskeformige partikler, der ikke kan afgive farlige dampe, fra f.eks. glasfibre, quartz, træ og metal.
Masken beskytter ikke mod oxygenmangel (under 19,5% oxygen) og må derfor kun bruges i områder med god ventilation, og hvor der er tilstrækkeligt med oxygen.
Pakn.: 10 stk pr. æske, 16 æsker pr karton
Type: FFP2 NR D (NR= Non Re-usable/må ikke genanvendes) (D= filtret er testet efter filtermæthedstesten (Dolomit), hvilket betyder lavere indåndingsmodstand og længere levetid)
NBF: Nominel beskyttelsesfaktor: 10 × GV. (GV=Maksimalt tilladt gennemsnit for koncentration på en 8-timers arbejdsdag.)
Brand | BLS |
Åndedrætsværn type | FFP2 NR D |
NBF | 10 × GV |
Godkendelse |
EN 149:2001,
Product Information | |
SKU/EAN | 28-BL-829: 6515226142815 |
UNSPSC | 46182000 - Åndedrætsværn |
HS code | 90200000 |
Ordering unit of measure | Box 10 pcs |
Packings information | Pakn.: 10 stk pr. æske, 16 æsker pr karton |
Image | Name | Buy |
SKU: 28-0927 |
3M 7290 lufttæt Opbevaringsboks til åndedrætsværn, passer til halvmasker (kopi)
Opbevaringsæske til 3M genanvendelige åndedrætsværn i 4000-, 6000- og 7000-serien.... |
SKU: 12-87-104 |
Ansell Marigold ME 104 Emperor, AlphaTec 87-104 strong black latex (natural rubber) chemical glove, length 432 mm, thickness 1.2 mm AQL 0.65
Emperor is a black latex (natural rubber) chemical glove from Ansell Marigold, suitable for sandblasting. It has excellent resistance to mechanical influences. High resistance to water-based chemicals... |
SKU: 28-BL-129B |
BLS 129B Classic recyclable cup-shaped filter mask with valve, type FFP2 R D. 15 pcs per box
Reusable P2 dust mask with valve. The 3M CoolFlow Exhalation Valve is easy to breathe through and reduces the accumulation of heat, moisture and carbon dioxide. Cup-shaped with elastic straps. The adj... |
SKU: 28-BL-502 |
BLS 502 FFP2
BLS 502 engangsfiltrerende ansigtsmasker tilbyder effektiv beskyttelse af luftvejene i de miljøer, hvor bæreren udsættes for ikke-flygtige faste og/eller flydende partikler (støv, dampe, tåger).... |
SKU: 28-BL-503 |
BLS 502 FFP2 (kopi)
BLS 503 engangsfiltrerende ansigtsmasker tilbyder effektiv beskyttelse af luftvejene i de miljøer, hvor bæreren udsættes for ikke-flygtige faste og/eller flydende partikler (støv, dampe, tåger).... |
SKU: 28-BL-505B |
BLS 505B Cup-shaped recyclable filter mask, with valve type FFP3 R D. 10 pcs per box
Reusable FFP3 dust mask with valve. the adjustable aluminum bracket is easy to shape into any type of nose .. The exhalation valve is easy to breathe through and it reduces the accumulation of heat, m... |
SKU: 28-BL-760 |
BLS 760 foldable P3 filter mask protects against viruses, bacteria and airborne substances. FFP3 R D
BLS 760 FFP3 R D filtering face piece provides effective respiratory protection in industrial environments where workers will be exposed to non-volatile solid and/or liquid particles (dusts, mists, fu... |
SKU: 28-BL-829 |
BLS 829 Flat-folded Flickit dust mask, type FFP2 NR D, internally adjustable padded noseband, box of 10 pcs.
Filtering BLS Flick-it FFP2 NR D half mask with valve. Replaces 28-BL-729 The easy application in less than 3 seconds with Flick-it from BLS. The 3M CoolFlow Exhalation Valve is easy to breathe throug... |
SKU: 28-BL-860 |
BLS 860 Safety mask protects against viruses and bacteria airborne substances FFP3 R D. Flickit flat-folded innovative for quick opening. The mask can be recycled
Safety mask BLS 860, type FFP3 R D. Flickit innovative and fast opening. (Replaces 28-BL-760) The maintenance-free paper mask against solid and liquid particles that cannot emit hazardous vapors. In a... |
SKU: 28-BL-810103 |
BLS Zero 31, FFP3 RD filter mask with exhalation valve, protects against airborne nano particles and filters 99.92% airborne virus, as well as asbestos particles, the mask can be recycled
Meet the BLS Zero series. For the professional user. The first filter mask for protection against airborne nanoparticles. as well as other airborne virus flu types, such as coronavirus bird flu. The u... |
SKU: 33-C-6254 |
CPE sleeve apron, 10 micron, Chemsplash 6254, one size, 120x202cm
10 Micron CPE material. Waterproof: Tie at the waist. With thumb holes. Opening in the back. Better ventilated and less warm than other sleeve aprons. Used in the Care sector hospitals, food industry ... |
SKU: 31-E-12523 |
Chill -Its 6670CT fordampende køling Hard Hat Neck Shade - PVA
Øjeblikkelig køleaflastning - Hyper -fordampende PVA aktiveres let med vand i op til fire timers afkøling Solbeskyttelse - Skyggerhals til beskyttelse mod skadelige UV -stråler Passer til de fleste ... |
SKU: 37-4265 |
Disposable apron, 30 µ my polyethylene PE, 76 x 125 cm.EN 1186
Apron for the professional user who wants a disposable apron is used in institutions, food production and industry. The apron has a high liquid density. With tear perforation, tested according to EN 1... |
SKU: 37-4210 |
Disposable shoe cover, white with blue CPE sole, non-woven fabric, 40 cm, Onesize slip pattern in the sole surface
Suitable for several occasions where you want to protect the floor or surface or your fine shoes. Non-woven overshoes, white, with blue CPE sole, length approx. 40 cm. Fastened with elastic. The shoe ... |
SKU: 28-BL-680 |
Fladfoldet FFP2 maske BLS 680next
Optimal beskyttelse møder komfort med vores BLS 680next FFP2 maske. Den tre-flappede fladfoldede design tilpasser sig ansigtsbevægelser, sikrer maksimal effektivitet og let åbning. Tilgængelig i to st... |
SKU: 18-M-WVI00018 |
KASK visor V2 Plus, small model
Polycarbonate visor with anti-fog and scratch-resistant treatment. Panoramic visor with space for glasses underneath. Rounded edge secures against cutting. Drip-proof upper contour made of rubber. Imp... |
SKU: 21-P-5212 |
Plum 5212 WipeClean Ethanol Disinfection 80% disposable wipes, 20 pcs
Disposable wipes and cloths ready to use. For disinfection of surfaces and non-invasive medical equipment that can withstand alcohol in e.g. the health sector, the food industry, dental clinics, etc. ... |
SKU: 35-5542798-DT-4045E |
Scott CF32 ABEKHgP R SL (20) Obs! Hg-filter är endast tillåtna med PAPR av högsta klass (TH3 / TM3). filtrera
3M™ Kombinationsfilter, CF32 A2B2E2K2HgP3 R D, DT-4046E Bemærk: Hg filtre er kun tilladt med PAPR af højeste klasse (TH3 / TM3). 3M ID: 7100236677, Scott Safety SKU: 5542798... |
SKU: 23-G-RT5-5470 |
Smartphone phone security strap
Smart and super powerful tool belt that ensures your tool against loss or decline. Stretchable which allow good freedom of movement.... |
SKU: 14-T-130 |
Tiger Grip Visitor overcoat with toe cap can be used on ordinary footwear
Safety galoshes with aluminum toe cap, suitable for guests, which can be used outside on ordinary footwear. Intended for short-term use. Weighs only 567 grams. Tiger Grip Visitor guest shoes with safe... |
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