BLS 8600 recyclable and maintenance-free mask with built-in filters A2P3 RD, against organic vapors and dust, food approved


31.63 EUR

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BLS 8600 recyclable and maintenance-free mask with built-in filters A2P3 RD, against organic vapors and dust, food approved

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Half Masks
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This innovative respirator combines the simplicity known from disposable filters with the effective protection known from reusable masks, which provides a unique respirator that is suitable for many work tasks and protects against both particles and gases.

31.63 EUR 31.63 InStock
12020 BLS 8600 recyclable and maintenance-free mask with built-in filters A2P3 RD, against organic vapors and dust, food approved
28-BS-8600 [28-BS-8600] BLS 8600 recyclable and maintenance-free mask with built-in filters A2P3 RD, against organic vapors and dust, food approved
EUR 31.63 EUR VAT Excluded

236.00 DKK VAT Excluded

39.54 EUR 39.54 EUR with taxes

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(31.63 EUR / Pc.)

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BLS er en italiensk fabrikant siden 1970, der dækker en stor del af markedet inden for industrielle åndedrætsværn. Med mange års erfaring sikrer BLS produkter i høj kvalitet, som også fokuserer på ...

Categories : Half Masks
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Brand BLS
Åndedrætsværn type A2P3 R D
Godkendelse EN 405:2001, EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE
Product Information
SKU/EAN 28-BS-8600:
UNSPSC 46182001 - Masker og tilbehør
HS code 90200000
Ordering unit of measure Pc.
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