Plum 5160 QuickRinse Refill 5 pcs. eyewash ampoules of 20 ml 0.9% sterile sodium chloride


11.66 EUR

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Plum 5160 QuickRinse Refill 5 pcs. eyewash ampoules of 20 ml 0.9% sterile sodium chloride

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Small and practical pack of 5 eyewash ampoules each containing 20 ml of 0.9% sterile sodium chloride. A handy solution that provides quick relief from dust and dirt in the eye or from irritated eyes due to dry surroundings. Ideal for lying in the glove compartment, in the toolbox, first aid kit and in the bag, etc.

11.66 EUR 11.66 InStock
11615 Plum 5160 QuickRinse Refill 5 pcs. eyewash ampoules of 20 ml 0.9% sterile sodium chloride
31-P-5160 [31-P-5160] Plum 5160 QuickRinse Refill 5 pcs. eyewash ampoules of 20 ml 0.9% sterile sodium chloride
EUR 11.66 EUR VAT Excluded

87.00 DKK VAT Excluded

14.58 EUR 14.58 EUR with taxes

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(11.66 EUR / Box 5 pcs)

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Ordering Unit of Measure: Box 5 pcs
Packaging information: Pakn: Karton af 5 æsker med 4 stk.
SKU Variant Stock
31-P-5160 In stock


Plum er et dansk selskab, der producerer effektive og brugervenlige løsninger til håndhygiejne og førstehjælp, som i mere end 40 år har hjulpet virksomheder og arbejdstagere. Produkterne udvikles i...

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Brand Plum
Godkendelse Godkendt af Statens Serum Institut. Godkendt af Statens Serum Institut.
Product Information
SKU/EAN 31-P-5160:
UNSPSC 46181810 - Øjenskyller eller øjenskyllestation
HS code 40151900
Ordering unit of measure Box 5 pcs
Packings information Pakn: Karton af 5 æsker med 4 stk.
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