3M Versaflo Turbo unit TR-602E - Versaflo Turbo unit with indicator and spark arrestor weight only 670 grams TR-602E
35-TR602E3M Versaflo TR-600 series Turbo, including Airflow indicator (TR-971) and spark arrestor (TR-662 x2). Comfortable airflow - the user can choose between three settings for maximum comfort. Controlled airflow - the size of the airflow is maintained even if the battery voltage drops or the filter becomes clogged with particles. Indicator that shows the status of the battery charge and the condition of the particle filter. Battery status is shown on a convenient LED display on the battery itself. Low battery warning: vibrating, audible and visual alarms at reduced airflow or low battery. The turbo is calibrated and ready for use. More There are two types of belts: An Easy Clean belt with a smooth surface that withstands immersion and thorough cleaning. A durable belt for hot and demanding work environments where increased robustness is required. Is anti-spark and flame retardant. - The most advanced and versatile turbocharged respirator ever from 3M. With its simple design, the turbo is created to make breathing and work easier. Comfort, protection and performance in balance. For protection against gases / vapors, particles (eg dust, spray mist, fibers) and mixtures of these types of pollutants.
3M er et globalt teknologiselskab med ekspertise på mange områder, herunder beskyttelse af mennesker og produkter. Med mere end 100 års erfaring og viden til at trække på, producerer 3m en bred vif...
3M™ Versaflo™ TR-600 series Turbo, inklusiv Luftstrømsindikator (TR-971) og gnistfang (TR-662 x2). Behagelig luftstrøm – brugeren kan vælge mellem tre indstillinger for maksimal komfort. Kontrolleret luftstrøm – luftstrømmens størrelse opretholdes, selvom batterispændingen falder, eller filteret tilstoppes med partikler. Indikator som viser status for batteriopladning og partikelfilterets tilstand. Batteristatus vises på et praktisk LED-display på selve batteriet. Advarsel om lavt batteriniveau: vibrerende, hørbar og visuel alarmer ved nedsat luftstrøm eller lavt batteriniveau. Turboen er kalibreret og klar til brug. Der findes to typer bælter: Et Easy Clean-bælte med glat overflade, der tåler nedsænkning og grundig rengøring. Et slidstærkt bælte til varme og krævende arbejdsmiljøer, hvor der kræves en øget robusthed. Er gnist- og flammehæmmende. Opfylder EN 12941 klasse TH2 eller TH3 afhængig af hoveddel. Isæt propper ved fuld nedsænkning og rengøring. Overholder normerne IP54 og IP67 for bruserdekontaminering og kortvarig nedsænkning under brug af rengørings- og opbevaringsprop. TR-602E er Turboenheden i 3M™ Versaflo™ TR-600-series batteridrevne turboåndedrætsværn. Indeholder luftstrømsindikator (TR-971) og gnistfang (TR-662 x2). Filter, bælte, batteri og oplader anskaffes særskilt. Kan kombineres med tilbehør i 3M Versaflo serien, ved behov for individuel tilpasning. Bredde: 0,215 m Produkttype: El-dreven luftturboenhed En sikker løsning: Nej Længde: 0,285 m Nettovægt (meter): 1120 g Højde (meter): 0,093 m Produktserie: TR-600 Standarder/godkendelser: CE-godkendt -Personlige værnemidler -Turbo og trykluftforsynet åndedrætsværn - - - - -
Den nye avancerede 3M Versaflo TR-600 Turboenhed giver beskyttelse, komfort og høj ydeevne med et Lithium-ion batteri, justerbar luftstrøm og en udvidet række CE-godkendte filtre til beskyttelse mod for eksempel partikler, organiske dampe og sure gasser.
Turboenheden er udstyret med to batteriløsninger, som er mere effektive end nogensinde før. Batterierne har lang levetid og kort opladningstid, hvilket i sidste ende reducerer antallet af afbrydelser i arbejdet.
Brugervenligt design med intuitive, farvede interaktive berøringspunkter og vibrerende, hørbare samt visuelle indikatorer for nedsat luftstrøm og lavt batteriniveau.
TR-602E er den nye Turboenhed til 3M ™ Versaflo ™ TR-600-serien. Den omfatter en Airflow indikator (TR-971) og Gnistfanger (TR-662 x2). Den omfatter ikke et filter, rem, batteri, eller opladeren. Kombiner med 3M ™ Versaflo ™ komponenter for at bygge et komplet system.
Komfortabel Airflow - Tre valgmuligheder for luftgennemstrømningshastigheder for at maksimere komforten. Kontrolleret luftstrøm leverer stabil luftstrøm selvom batteriet aflades eller filteret belastes med partikler.
Displayet viser batteriopladning status og partikelfilter belastning status under brug. Batteri status angives også ved en nyttig LED display på batteriet. Elektronisk hørbar, visuel og vibrerende alarm i tilfælde af lav batteri og / eller lav luftgennemstrømning. Brugerspecifik kalibrering af turboenheden er ikke påkrævet.
To bælte muligheder: Easy Clean Belt - bælte med glatte overflader muliggør nem, grundig rengøring og den højtstående slidstærke Bælte til varmt arbejde eller barske miljøer, som giver større holdbarhed og gnist / flamme modstand.
Godkendt til EN 12941 Klasse TH2 eller TH3 afhængig af hoveddelen.
Indløbs propper til fuld neddypning og rengøring, opfylder IP54 og IP67 til brug i dekontaminering brusebad og midlertidig nedsænkning når det bruges med rengøring og opbevarings propper.
Til beskyttelse mod gasser/dampe, partikler (f.eks. støv, sprøjtetåge, fibre) samt blandinger af disse type forureninger.
Må ikke anvendes i områder hvor der er risiko for at der kan opstå oxygenmangel, hvor der er risiko for større koncentrationer af forurening er tilstede, hvis egnede filtre ikke findes, eller arbejdstilsynets regler ikke tillader brug af denne type åndedrætsværn.
Vægt: 670 g
Beskyttelsesfaktor: afhængig af hoveddelen
Luftstrøm: m ax. 220 l/min.
Brugsbetingelser: - 10° C til +55° C
3M PRODUCT CODE: 7100035056Brand | 3M |
Godkendelse |
EN 12941,
EN60529 IP 54,
EN60529 IP 67,
Product Information | |
SKU/EAN | 35-TR602E: |
UNSPSC | 46182007 - Eldrevet luftrensende åndedrætsværn eller udstyr |
HS code | 90200000 |
Ordering unit of measure | Pc. |
Image | Name | Buy |
SKU: 35-BT20S |
3M Air Hose 735mm, BT-20S - Air Hose 735 mm, fits Versaflo and Jupiter, BT-20S
Short and light air hose that is easy to wipe off Quick-turn point that allows connection and disconnection with one hand A disposable air hose protector is available which helps with cleaning and dec... |
SKU: 35-BT20L |
3M Air Hose 965mm, BT-20L - Air Hose 965 mm, Versaflo and Jupiter, BT-20L
Long and light air hose that is easy to wipe off Quick swivel point that allows connection and disconnection with one hand A disposable air hose protector is available which helps with cleaning and de... |
SKU: 35-BT40 |
3M Air Hose Heavy Duty, BT-40 - Air Hose, Versaflo and Jupiter, Heavy Duty, BT-40
Durable air hose that is easy to wipe off Quick-turn point that allows connection and disconnection with one hand Compatible with all 3M Versaflo main parts and air supply units - Heavy Duty air hose ... |
SKU: 35-BT30 |
3M Air Hose self-adjusting, BT-30 - Lightweight Air Hose, self-adjusting length 525-850 mm fits Versaflo and Jupiter, BT-30
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SKU: 35-BT922 |
3M Disposable hose protector for air hose, BT-922 - 3M Versaflo air hose cover BT-922 fits all BT models
Disposable air hose protector Quick pivot point that allows connection and disconnection with one hand Helps with cleaning and decontamination Suitable for use with 3M air hoses in the BT series - Air... |
SKU: 35-TR627 |
3M Easy Clean Belt TR-627 - Easy-clean belt for the Versaflo TR-600 series
Comfortable to use due to the ergonomic design Smooth surface makes it easy to clean Waist up to 52 "/ 132 cm Waist sizes up to 52" / 132 cm - TR-627 Easy Clean Belt is a spare part for the TR-600 ser... |
SKU: 35-BT926 |
3M Jupiter Hose protector for air hose, 008-08-00P - 3M Versaflo high temperature air hose protection cover
Fire-retardant and heat-resistant air hose protector with high wear resistance Quick pivot point that allows connection and disconnection with one hand Helps extend the hose's life and protects it fro... |
SKU: 35-TR651 |
3M TR-651 Filter Lock Unit - Filter Lock Unit, TR-651, for Versaflo TR-600 Series
Replacement part for the turbo unit in the 3M Versaflo TR-600 series. Easy to install without the use of tools. The filter lock unit must be replaced if it is damaged or worn. - The TR-651 filter lock... |
SKU: 35-TR654 |
3M TR-654 Sealing ring - Versaflo sealing ring
Sealing rings TR-654 are replacement parts for 3M Versaflo cleaning and storage set TR-653 Sealing rings and plugs protect openings in the TR-600 turbo units. The sealing rings must be replaced after ... |
SKU: 35-TR6110E |
3M Versaflo A1P filter TR-6110E - A1P Filter, TR-6110E, for Versaflo TR-600 series
A1P filter for use with turbo units in the TR-600 series. Easy to assemble. 3M recommends using the TR-6100FC filter cover to protect the filter from physical damage. - A1P filter for use with the 3M ... |
SKU: 35-TR6310E |
3M Versaflo A2P filter TR-6310E - A2P Filter, TR-6310E, for Versaflo TR-600 series
A2P filter for use with turbochargers in the TR-600 series. Easy to assemble. 3M recommends using the TR-6300FC filter cover to protect the filter from physical damage. - A2P filter for use with the 3... |
SKU: 35-TR6130E |
3M Versaflo ABE1P filter TR-6130E - ABE1P filter, TR-6130E, for Versaflo TR-600 series
ABE1P filter for use with turbochargers in the TR-600 series. Easy to assemble. 3M recommends using the TR-6100FC filter cover to protect the filter from physical damage. - ABE1P filter for use with t... |
SKU: 35-TR6580E |
3M Versaflo ABE2K1HgP filter TR-6580E - ABE2K1HgP Filter, TR-6580E, for Versaflo TR-600 series
ABE2K1HgP filter for use with turbochargers in the TR-600 series. Easy to assemble. 3M recommends using the TR-6300FC filter cover to protect the filter from physical damage. - ABE2K1HgP filter for us... |
SKU: 35-TR6300FC |
3M Versaflo Filter Cover TR-6300FC - Versaflo Filter Cover, TR-6300FC
Filter cover for use with filter TR-6310E A filter cover protects the filter TR-6710E from physical damage. Makes it possible to use a pre-filter and / or spark arrestor. Makes it possible to carry th... |
SKU: 35-TR6700FC |
3M Versaflo Filter Cover TR-6700FC - Versaflo Filter Cover, TR-6700FC
Filter cover for use with filter TR-6710E A filter cover protects the filter TR-6710E from physical damage. Makes it possible to use a pre-filter and / or spark arrestor. Makes it possible to carry th... |
SKU: 35-TR6800FC |
3M Versaflo Filter Cover TR-6800FC - Versaflo Filter Cover, TR-6800FC (used with 35-TR-6710E)
Filter cover for use with filter TR-6820E. A filter cover protects the TR-6710E filter from physical damage. Makes it possible to use a pre-filter and / or spark arrestor. Makes it possible to carry t... |
SKU: 35-TR632 |
3M Versaflo High Capacity Battery TR-632 - Heavy Duty Battery, TR-632, for Versaflo
The TR-632 is a lightweight Heavy Duty Li-ion battery pack for use with 3M Versaflo turbo units in the TR-600 series. The battery charges quickly and is equipped with a status indicator. Can be cleane... |
SKU: 35-TR6600 |
3M Versaflo Prefilter TR-6600, bag of 10 pcs
The pre-filter can extend the life of the particle filter in the TR-600 series by retaining large particles that could otherwise clog the filter The pre-filter TR-6600 must be installed and used in ac... |
SKU: 35-TR630 |
3M Versaflo Standard Battery TR-630 - Standard Battery, TR-630, for Versaflo
Lightweight Li-ion standard battery pack for use with 3M Versaflo turbo units in the TR-600 series. The battery charges quickly and is equipped with a status indicator. Can be cleaned by rinsing or sh... |
SKU: 35-TR971 |
3M Versaflo airflow indicator TR-971 - 3M Versaflo airflow indicator TR-971
TR-971 Airflow indicators are used to check that the specified airflow speed for the 3M Versaflo turbo unit TR-600 is not too low. Designed for measurement at different heights and temperatures within... |
SKU: 35-TR655 |
3M Versaflo backpack adapter TR-655 - Adapter for harness, TR-655 for Versaflo
Adapter for braces which makes it possible to carry the device on your back. Used together with 3M Versaflo BPK-01 braces for back mounting. For use with 3M Versaflo BPK-01 backpack - Backpack Adapter... |
SKU: 35-TR641E |
3M Versaflo charger TR-641E for one battery - Standard charger set with 1 station for the Versaflo TR-600 series
Charger TR-641E can charge one standard battery TR-630 or Heavy Duty battery TR-632 in less than four hours. Charger The TR-641E can charge one battery at a time. Fully charged batteries can be stored... |
SKU: 35-TR640 |
3M Versaflo charger holder TR-640 - Battery holder for TR-641E and TR644E
Battery charger can be used for all batteries in the TR-600 series. Can be used with batteries TR-630 or TR-632. Spare part for TR-641E and TR-644E battery charger set - TR-640 Battery charging cradle... |
SKU: 35-TR653 |
3M Versaflo cleaning and storage set TR-653 - Cleaning and storage set for the Versaflo TR-600 series
A set contains: 1 inlet plug and 2 sealing rings, 1 outlet plug and 2 sealing rings and 1 battery plug cover. The plug makes it possible to clean the turbo by rinsing or immersing it as described in t... |
SKU: 35-TR626 |
3M Versaflo durable belt TR-626 - Durable belt for Versaflo TR-600 series
Leather belt for use with 3M Versaflo TR-600 series turbo units. Comfortable to use due to the ergonomic design Suitable for hot and demanding work environments that place great demands on robustness.... |
SKU: 35-TR6100FC |
3M Versaflo filter cover TR-6100FC - Versaflo Filter cover, cover TR-6100FC (fits 35-TR-6310E and 35-TR-6110E)
TR-6100FC is a filter cover for use with filters TR-6110E and TR-6130E. A filter cover protects the TR-6710E filter from physical damage. Makes it possible to use a pre-filter and / or spark arrestor.... |
SKU: 35-TR6500FC |
3M Versaflo filter cover TR-6500FC - Filter cover for ABE2K1HgP filter, Versaflo
Filter cover for use with filter TR-6580E. A filter cover protects the TR-6710E filter from physical damage. Makes it possible to use a pre-filter and / or spark arrestor. Makes it possible to carry t... |
SKU: 35-TR6820E |
3M Versaflo particle / odor filter TR-6820E - Versaflo Filter, P3 particle & unpleasant odor filter, TR-6820E
A combined particulate and air filter against small amounts of organic vapors and acid gases, filter. Protects against up to 10 × hydrogen fluoride (HF) limit value 3M recommends using filter cover TR... |
SKU: 35-TR6710E |
3M Versaflo particulate filter TR-6710E - Versaflo Filter, P3 particle filter, TR-6710E
Particle filter Easy to install. 3M recommends using the TR-6100FC filter cover to protect the filter from physical damage. - P3 particle filter for 3M Versaflo TR-600.... |
SKU: 35-BT927 |
3M Versaflo radiant heat protection cover for air hose
Radiant heat resistant and durable air hose protective cover. Extends the life of the air hose where working in the vicinity of radiant heat. Compatible with 3M Versaflo BT series air hoses.... |
SKU: 35-TR662 |
3M Versaflo spark arrestor TR-662 - Spark arrestor for the Versaflo TR-600 series
Prevents sparks and other hot particles from damaging the filter and should be used if there are sparks or hot, airborne particles present at the work site. Spark trap TR-662 also acts as a pre-filter... |
SKU: 35-TR644E |
3M™ Versaflo oplader TR-644E til fire batterier
Oplader TR-644E kan oplade fire batterier til brug i turboenheder i 3M™ Versaflo™ TR-600-serien. Indeholder holder til batterioplader TR-640, bundplade, strømforsyning og kabel. Sørg for, at dit 3M™ ... |
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