Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L


125.71 EUR

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Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L
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Sporty leather safety shoes in innovative design with patented Boa closure. Upper of durable core leather. The inside is lined with breathable material that removes moisture. Anti-slip sole and metal-free. The boa closure has a lifetime guarantee of a robust safety shoe without side effects

125.71 EUR 125.71000000000001 InStock
11091 Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L
26-000-81184-03L-38 [26-000-81184-03L-38] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (38)
26-000-81184-03L-39 [26-000-81184-03L-39] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (39)
26-000-81184-03L-40 [26-000-81184-03L-40] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (40)
26-000-81184-03L-41 [26-000-81184-03L-41] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (41)
26-000-81184-03L-42 [26-000-81184-03L-42] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (42)
26-000-81184-03L-43 [26-000-81184-03L-43] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (43)
26-000-81184-03L-44 [26-000-81184-03L-44] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (44)
26-000-81184-03L-45 [26-000-81184-03L-45] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (45)
26-000-81184-03L-46 [26-000-81184-03L-46] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (46)
26-000-81184-03L-47 [26-000-81184-03L-47] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (47)
26-000-81184-03L-48 [26-000-81184-03L-48] Arko Boa closure antistatic metal-free safety shoe full-grain hydrotech leather with toe cap and nail protection, S3 SRC Sixton. 81184-03L (48)
EUR 125.71 EUR VAT Excluded

938.00 DKK VAT Excluded

157.14 EUR 157.14 EUR with taxes

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Ordering Unit of Measure: Pair
SKU Variant Stock
26-000-81184-03L-38 38 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-39 39 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-40 40 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-41 41 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-42 42 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-43 43 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-44 44 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-45 45 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-46 46 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-47 47 In stock
26-000-81184-03L-48 48 In stock


Fremstillet i Italien! Sixton er synonym med slidstærke arbejdssko i lækkert design. Med et bredt udvalg som tilbyder både læder og tekstil ydre på skoene. Svedabsorberende egenskaber og beskyttels...

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MERE SIKKERT END STÅL. Skoene sikrer maksimal modstand mod perforering. Sixton Peak®-fodtøjet er blevet certificeret som "nulperforering" siden 2010 i overensstemmelse med den nye standard EN ISO 12568: 2010, integreret i standard EN ISO 20345: 2011; Denne regulering angiver, at spidsen af et søm ikke må perforere indersålen ved en kraft på 1100 N. Dog er skoen stadig blød og fleksibel hvilket øger komforten og følsomheden, hvilket sikrer større bevægelsesfrihed og mindre belastning. Fremragende varmeisolering og metalfri hvilket vil sige skoene ikke detektere af metaldetektorer.

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Ergonomisk stiv indre struktur. Skoen placerer hælen ergonomisk korrekt og justerer fodstøtten og styrer ankelen sidelæns bevægelser. Det holder foden tæt til skoen, hvilket giver den perfekte pasform.

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SRC EN ISO 20345:2011

Med hensyn til skridsikker, standard EN ISO 20345: 2011 hedder det, at fodtøj skal bestå test på 2 forskellige overflader med klassifikationer relateret til de enkelte test, SRA eller SRB. Da kravene i begge tests er bestået, SRA og SRB, er alle SIXTON PEAK-skoene tildelt SRC-skridsikker certificering.

Model: Endurance Arko Boa

Øvre del: Fuldnarvet læder hydrotech

Foring: 3D Air cirkulerende 320 g foring

Udtagelig indvendig sål: Climaction-Fit 337

Ydersål: PU Dual-Density SRC godkendt

Tåkappe: C.T.C. - Komposit tåkappe

Anvendelse: Bygning, Træ, metal, snedkerarbejde, landbrug og havearbejde.

Vægt 680 g 680 g
Characteristic 200 Joule resistant toe cap 200 Joule resistant toe cap, Antistatisk Antistatisk, Boa-lukning Boa-lukning, Metalfri Metalfri, Skridsikker Skridsikker, Sømværn Sømværn
Godkendelse EN ISO 20345:2011 EN ISO 20345:2011, EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE
Brand Sixton
Size 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47 or 48
Product Information
MPN 26-000-81184-03L-38: 000-81184-03L-38
26-000-81184-03L-39: 000-81184-03L-39
26-000-81184-03L-40: 000-81184-03L-40
26-000-81184-03L-41: 000-81184-03L-41
26-000-81184-03L-42: 000-81184-03L-42
26-000-81184-03L-43: 000-81184-03L-43
26-000-81184-03L-44: 000-81184-03L-44
26-000-81184-03L-45: 000-81184-03L-45
26-000-81184-03L-46: 000-81184-03L-46
26-000-81184-03L-47: 000-81184-03L-47
26-000-81184-03L-48: 000-81184-03L-48
UNSPSC 46181605 - Sikkerhedssko
HS code 64041900
Ordering unit of measure Pair
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