
Når du skal hurtigt op eller ned findes den optimale løsning normalt blandt de reb-baserede systemer. Disse kan være manuelle og udviklet til én bruger eller til flere brugere. 
Bag for tripod TR3
119.81 EUR 119.81 EUR

149.76 EUR 149.76 EUR with taxes

Bracket for tripod TR3, for Xcalibre blocks
229.03 EUR 229.03 EUR

286.29 EUR 286.29 EUR with taxes

SIRIUS Descender
343.75 EUR 343.75 EUR

429.69 EUR 429.69 EUR with taxes

RS2 - rescue strap
29.48 EUR 29.48 EUR

36.85 EUR 36.85 EUR with taxes

REID Lifting Porta-Davit winch ready WLL500kg goods WLL 120kg personnel
3,216.34 EUR 3216.34 EUR

4,020.43 EUR 4,020.43 EUR with taxes

RALF work rescue system, 5: 1 gear ratio
1,096.24 EUR 1096.24 EUR

1,370.30 EUR 1,370.30 EUR with taxes

RALF work and rescue system, gear ratio 3: 1
747.80 EUR 747.8000000000001 EUR

934.75 EUR 934.75 EUR with taxes

Pull handle with rope clamp, left
114.31 EUR 114.31 EUR

142.89 EUR 142.89 EUR with taxes

Porta Davit WLL 500 kg Rad 1000 winch ready
1,876.20 EUR 1876.2 EUR

2,345.25 EUR 2,345.25 EUR with taxes

Porta-Base WLL 500 kg 90 degrees 2 legs
1,876.20 EUR 1876.2 EUR

2,345.25 EUR 2,345.25 EUR with taxes

Man Ride Winch
Contact us for price 0.0 EUR

GOTCHA KIT - remote rescue kit / height rescue kit, For rescue from height
1,165.92 EUR 1165.92 EUR

1,457.40 EUR 1,457.40 EUR with taxes

D4 - descender kit
Contact us for price 0.0 EUR

ALF drop waist system, developed for vertical climbing
625.44 EUR 625.44 EUR

781.80 EUR 781.80 EUR with taxes

Instruktion i Gotcha kit via online videomøde
67.01 EUR 67.01 EUR

83.76 EUR 83.76 EUR with taxes

Instruks i højderedningskit on site
100.51 EUR 100.51 EUR

125.64 EUR 125.64 EUR with taxes

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