
Tilbehør og reservedele til din hjertestarter, så som hjertestarter elektroder, førstehjælpskits og hjertestarter batterier, samt skilte og piktogrammer der viser hvor hjertestarteren er placeret.

SP1 Multi Electrodes | IPad ™ SP2 / SP2 defibrillator
106.01 EUR 106.01 EUR

132.51 EUR 132.51 EUR with taxes

BATTERY | IPad ™ SP1 / SP2 defibrillator
290.94 EUR 290.94 EUR

363.68 EUR 363.68 EUR with taxes

BATTERY | IPad ™ NF1200 defibrillator
295.23 EUR 295.23 EUR

369.04 EUR 369.04 EUR with taxes

Child electrodes | Philips-Laerdal ™ HeartStart HS1
99.71 EUR 99.71000000000001 EUR

124.64 EUR 124.64 EUR with taxes

NF1200 Adult Electrodes | IPad ™ NF1200 defibrillator
63.79 EUR 63.79 EUR

79.74 EUR 79.74 EUR with taxes

SIGNS | Triangle sign - 20cm
33.37 EUR 33.37 EUR

41.71 EUR 41.71 EUR with taxes

SIGNS | Sign for Heart Starter
42.75 EUR 42.75 EUR

53.44 EUR 53.44 EUR with taxes

SIGNS | Sign with arrow - Left - 30cm
6.97 EUR 6.97 EUR

8.71 EUR 8.71 EUR with taxes

SIGNS | Sign with arrow - Right - 30cm
6.97 EUR 6.97 EUR

8.71 EUR 8.71 EUR with taxes

LABEL | Stickers for door / window - A4
6.97 EUR 6.97 EUR

8.71 EUR 8.71 EUR with taxes

KIT | HeartStart First Aid Kit
63.79 EUR 63.79 EUR

79.74 EUR 79.74 EUR with taxes

Child key | Philips-Laerdal ™ HeartStart FRx
117.66 EUR 117.66 EUR

147.08 EUR 147.08 EUR with taxes

Child electrodes | IPad ™ NF1200
128.12 EUR 128.12 EUR

160.15 EUR 160.15 EUR with taxes

BATTERY | Physio-Control Lifepak CR 2 defibrillator
294.30 EUR 294.3 EUR

367.88 EUR 367.88 EUR with taxes

BATTERY | HeartStart FRx / HS1 defibrillator
290.81 EUR 290.81 EUR

363.51 EUR 363.51 EUR with taxes

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