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Welding blankets & aprons

Welding blankets & aprons

Svejsetæpper og svejseforklæder uden filt, altså uden isolerende bagside. Vi har et bredt sortiment af forklæder til mange forskellige formål. Spaltforklæder og skødeskind til brug hvor der er stor slitage, samt Svejseforklæder og Støberiforklæder til hvor der er behov for beskyttelse mod varme. Ydermere tilbyder vi, det mest bæredygtige Svejsetæpper & svejseforklæder. Ingen tilsætningsstoffer eller coatings og produceres i naturlige materialer, der fordærves i naturen uden at efterlade spor.

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Available in 8 variants
In Stock
16V54-2818 Long sleeve apron against heat and embers with open back for better ventilation in VARMEX 2000, Size XS-XXXXL
307.83 EUR 307.83 EUR

384.79 EUR 384.79 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
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16V54-740 Apron in VARMEX 2000, 100x100 cm, for welding
112.84 EUR 112.84 EUR

141.05 EUR 141.05 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
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Welding blanket in VARMEX 2000, 150X100 cm, flexible, lightweight and antistatic without reflections, no reflections of light from welding
116.59 EUR 116.59 EUR

145.74 EUR 145.74 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
In Stock
Welding blanket in VARMEX 2000, 150X150 cm, flexible, lightweight and antistatic without reflections, no reflections of light from welding
174.89 EUR 174.89000000000001 EUR

218.61 EUR 218.61 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
In Stock
Apron in VARMEX 2000, 75 x 100 cm, for welding
91.40 EUR 91.4 EUR

114.25 EUR 114.25 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
In Stock
100x130-2000 Apron in VARMEX 2000, 100x100 cm, for welding
135.62 EUR 135.62 EUR

169.53 EUR 169.53 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
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Apron in VARMEX 2000, 60x100 cm, for welding
82.82 EUR 82.82000000000001 EUR

103.53 EUR 103.53 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
In Stock
Welding blanket in VARMEX 2000, 400X150 cm flexible, lightweight and antistatic without glare, no reflections of light from welding
466.37 EUR 466.37 EUR

582.96 EUR 582.96 EUR with taxes


Available in 1 variants
In Stock
Welding blanket in VARMEX 2000, 300 x150 cm, flexible, lightweight and antistatic without reflections, no reflections of light from welding
349.78 EUR 349.78000000000003 EUR

437.23 EUR 437.23 EUR with taxes

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