DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model


68.08 EUR

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DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model

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White slipper clogs with adjustable elastic-heeled slippers. model Comfeet insole which provides optimal walking comfort, especially suitable for work where you stand up a lot. This model was developed by DS in the early 1980's it is a further develop model 14-500 but with a softer insole and padded heel strap which provides a better gait and comfort, the model quickly became popular with doctors nurses nursing staff as well as kitchens, places where you walk a lot and stands still for a long time DS Flex comfeet clogs that want comfort all day

68.08 EUR 68.08 InStock
10911 DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model
14-915H-36 [14-915H-36] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (36) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17191/image_1920?unique=abcec73
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-37 [14-915H-37] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (37) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17192/image_1920?unique=7796170
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-38 [14-915H-38] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (38) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17193/image_1920?unique=7796170
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-39 [14-915H-39] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (39) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17194/image_1920?unique=0cdf4b5
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-40 [14-915H-40] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (40) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17195/image_1920?unique=7796170
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-41 [14-915H-41] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (41) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17196/image_1920?unique=7796170
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-42 [14-915H-42] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (42) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17197/image_1920?unique=abcec73
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-43 [14-915H-43] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (43) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17198/image_1920?unique=7796170
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-44 [14-915H-44] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (44) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17199/image_1920?unique=abcec73
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-45 [14-915H-45] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (45) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17200/image_1920?unique=abcec73
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-46 [14-915H-46] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (46) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17201/image_1920?unique=abcec73
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
14-915H-47 [14-915H-47] DS Flex white slipper with heel strap and comfeet insole slipper model (47) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/17202/image_1920?unique=abcec73
EUR 508.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
EUR 68.08 EUR VAT Excluded

508.00 DKK VAT Excluded

85.10 EUR 85.10 EUR with taxes

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Ordering Unit of Measure: Pair
SKU Variant Stock
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14-915H-41 41 In stock
14-915H-42 42 In stock
14-915H-43 43 In stock
14-915H-44 44 In stock
14-915H-45 45 In stock
14-915H-46 46 In stock
14-915H-47 47 In stock

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Godkendelse: EN ISO 20347 : 2012 O+E+A+SRC
  • Hvid tøffel slippers, med justerbar elastik-hælrem. fodtøjet som sider perfekt på foden.
  • Bøjelig polyuretan sål.
  • Comfeet geel indersål, der giver perfekt trykaflastning.
  • Hærlemmen kan placeres i to positioner: som støtte på hælen eller som pynterem når træskoen anvendes uden hælrem.
  • Skridsikker sål.
  • Overdel i læder.
  • Åndbar og slidstærkt matriale

Anvendelse:alle arbejdspladser inden for industri og håndværk hvor sikkerheds fodtøj ikke er påkrævet - hospitaler - plejehjem - laboratorier samt fritidsbrug.,  køkkener, samt levnedsmiddelindustri hoteller samt fritidsbrug
Pakn.:1 par
Brand D-S Sikkerhedsudstyr
PPE Kategori Beskyttelse mod mellemrisici Beskyttelse mod mellemrisici
Size 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47
Product Information
UNSPSC 46181607 - Sikkerhedstræsko
HS code 64041900
Ordering unit of measure Pair
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