Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals


69.82 EUR

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Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals

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The MICROCHEM 4000 111 chemical suit is designed to provide an exceptional barrier against organic and inorganic chemicals and biological substances. Liquid-tight chemical suit as a good alternative to e.g. PVC chemical suits. The Microchem 4000 suit provides great freedom of movement and protects against very harmful substances.

69.82 EUR 69.82000000000001 InStock
13003 Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals
12-GR40T-00111-02-S 5013756000120 [12-GR40T-00111-02-S] Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals (Small) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/20574/image_1920?unique=8d0dd59
12-GR40T-00111-03-M 5013756004890 [12-GR40T-00111-03-M] Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals (Medium) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/20575/image_1920?unique=8d0dd59
12-GR40T-00111-04-L 5013756000144 [12-GR40T-00111-04-L] Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals (Large) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/20576/image_1920?unique=8d0dd59
12-GR40T-00111-05-XL 5013756004906 [12-GR40T-00111-05-XL] Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals (XLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/20577/image_1920?unique=8d0dd59
12-GR40T-00111-06-XXL 5013756000168 [12-GR40T-00111-06-XXL] Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals (XXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/20578/image_1920?unique=8d0dd59
12-GR40T-00111-07-XXXL 5013756004913 [12-GR40T-00111-07-XXXL] Microchem 4000 model 111 chemical suit, Type 3, 4 and 5, antistatic EX approved and silicone-free tested for more than 190 chemicals (XXXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/20579/image_1920?unique=8d0dd59
EUR 69.82 EUR VAT Excluded

521.00 DKK VAT Excluded

87.28 EUR 87.28 EUR with taxes

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  • Brand
  • Characteristic
  • Dragttype
  • Dragttype
  • Dragttype
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Ordering Unit of Measure: Pc.
Packaging information: 1 stk, 10 stk. pr karton
SKU Variant Stock
12-GR40T-00111-02-S Small In stock
12-GR40T-00111-03-M Medium In stock
12-GR40T-00111-04-L Large In stock
12-GR40T-00111-05-XL XLarge Contact us for availability
12-GR40T-00111-06-XXL XXLarge In stock
12-GR40T-00111-07-XXXL XXXLarge In stock

Microgard by Ansell
Microgard by Ansell

Ansell Microgard Limited er en førende producent af kemiske beskyttelses tøj, der introducerer ny teknologi og design til markedet for at forbedre brugerbeskyttelse og komfort i 40 år. Beskytter f...

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  • Type 5 & 5B

    Beskytter mod farligt støv og partikler, EN 13982. Type 5B beskytter mod biologisk forurenedepartikler, EN 14126.

     Type 4 & 4B

    Spraytætte dragter: Dragterne er godkendt til, at der kan ske mætning af væske, der kan fortætte sig på dragten. 

    Dragterne skal have svejsede sømme. 

    Der skal foretages gennemtrængningstest iht. EN 369 for at skaffe viden om beskyttelse i 

    forhold til de enkelte kemikalier, EN 14605. 

    Type 4B beskytter mod biologisk forurenede partikler, EN 14126.

     Type 3 & 3B

    Væsketætte dragter: Dragterne er godkendt til at kunne modstå væsker under tryk fx fra slanger og mundstykker. 

    Dragterne skal have svejsede sømme. 

    Der skal foretages gennemtrængningstest iht. EN 369 for at skaffe viden om beskyttelse i forhold 

    til de enkelte kemikalier, EN 14605. Type 3B beskytter mod biologisk forurenede partikler, EN 14126.


    Kemisk håndtering / transport

    Olie-baserede beskyttelse mudder

    Farligt oprydning affald

    Spildevand rensning installationer

    Industri / tankrensning

    Hazmat dragt til HAZMAT redningsberedskab (dvs. niveau B)




    Velegnet til brug i Ex-zoner.



    Type 3 EN14605 Væsketæt dragt

    Type 4 EN14605 Spraytæt dragt

    Type 5 EN ISO 13982-1 Tør partikel kulør

    EN14126 Barriere mod smitstoffer

    EN1073-2 Barriere mod radioaktive partikler – Klasse 1

    EN1149-5 Antistatisk


    Oversigt over de forskellige Alphatec 4000 Dragter


    Dragt uden handsker og sokker


    Dragt med handsker og sokker


    Dragt med handsker og uden sokker


    Dragt med sokker og uden handsker

Brand Microgard by Ansell
Characteristic Antistatisk Antistatisk
Dragttype TYPE 3 TYPE 3, TYPE 4 TYPE 4, TYPE 5 TYPE 5, TYPE 6 TYPE 6
Godkendelse EN 1149 (alle), EN 1073-2 Barrier to radioactive particulates - Class 1 EN 1073-2 Barrier to radioactive particulates - Class 1, EN 1149-5 EN 1149-5, EN 14126 Barrier to infective agents EN 14126 Barrier to infective agents, EN 14605 (Type 3) Liquid tight suit EN 14605 (Type 3) Liquid tight suit, EN 14605 (Type 4) Spray tight suit EN 14605 (Type 4) Spray tight suit, EN ISO 13982-1 (Type 5) Dry particle suit EN ISO 13982-1 (Type 5) Dry particle suit, EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE
Size Medium or Large or XLarge or XXLarge or XXXLarge or Small
Product Information
SKU/EAN 12-GR40T-00111-02-S: 5013756000120
12-GR40T-00111-03-M: 5013756004890
12-GR40T-00111-04-L: 5013756000144
12-GR40T-00111-05-XL: 5013756004906
12-GR40T-00111-06-XXL: 5013756000168
12-GR40T-00111-07-XXXL: 5013756004913
MPN 12-GR40T-00111-02-S: GR40T-00111-02
12-GR40T-00111-03-M: GR40T-00111-03
12-GR40T-00111-04-L: GR40T-00111-04
12-GR40T-00111-05-XL: GR40T-00111-05
12-GR40T-00111-06-XXL: GR40T-00111-06
12-GR40T-00111-07-XXXL: GR40T-00111-07
UNSPSC 46181503 - Beskyttende overtræksdragter
HS code 62101098
Ordering unit of measure Pc.
Packings information 1 stk, 10 stk. pr karton
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