Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111


36.18 EUR

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Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111

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MICROCHEM CFR is a fire retardant material designed to be worn over woven thermal protective clothing such as VARMEX. This provides protection against particles and pressurized liquid jet without compromising flame protection. This model includes: 2 split hood, Double zipper, Elastic waist, cuffs and ankles.

36.18 EUR 36.18 InStock
12626 Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-03 5013756057032 [12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-03] Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111 (Medium) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19679/image_1920?unique=a37572b
EUR 370.0 https://schema.org/Backorder https://schema.org/NewCondition
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-04 5013756057056 [12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-04] Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111 (Large) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19680/image_1920?unique=a37572b
EUR 370.0 https://schema.org/Backorder https://schema.org/NewCondition
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-05 5013756057070 [12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-05] Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111 (XLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19681/image_1920?unique=a37572b
EUR 270.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-06 5013756057094 [12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-06] Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111 (XXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19682/image_1920?unique=a37572b
EUR 370.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-07 5013756057117 [12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-07] Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111 (XXXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19683/image_1920?unique=a37572b
EUR 370.0 https://schema.org/InStock https://schema.org/NewCondition
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-08 5013756057131 [12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-08] Microchem CFR fire retardant chemical protective suit, Type 3/4/5/6, model 111 (4X-Large) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19684/image_1920?unique=a37572b
EUR 370.0 https://schema.org/Backorder https://schema.org/NewCondition
EUR 36.18 EUR VAT Excluded

270.00 DKK VAT Excluded

45.23 EUR 45.23 EUR with taxes

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Ordering Unit of Measure: Pc.
SKU Variant Stock
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-03 Medium Contact us for availability
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-04 Large Contact us for availability
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-05 XLarge In stock
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-06 XXLarge In stock
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-07 XXXLarge In stock
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-08 4X-Large Contact us for availability

Microgard by Ansell
Microgard by Ansell

Ansell Microgard Limited er en førende producent af kemiske beskyttelses tøj, der introducerer ny teknologi og design til markedet for at forbedre brugerbeskyttelse og komfort i 40 år. Beskytter f...

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ALPHATEC® CFR model 111 kemikaliedragt

Specifikationer - ALPHATEC® CFR model 111 kemikaliedragt

PRODUKTMATERIALE: FR-behandlet Sontara, træmasse og polyester med PVC-barrierefilm
SØMTYPE: Syet og tapet
VÆGT: 165 g

Kontaminerede miljøer
Håndtering af kemikalier
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Overførsel af væsker og faste stoffer
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Blanding og palletering af koncentrationer
Montage og demontering af store rør

Brand Microgard by Ansell
Dragttype TYPE 3 TYPE 3, TYPE 4 TYPE 4, TYPE 5 TYPE 5, TYPE 6 TYPE 6
Godkendelse EN 1149 (alle), EN 1073-2 Barrier to radioactive particulates - Class 1 EN 1073-2 Barrier to radioactive particulates - Class 1, EN 1149-5 EN 1149-5, EN 14605 (Type 3) Liquid tight suit EN 14605 (Type 3) Liquid tight suit, EN 14605 (Type 4) Spray tight suit EN 14605 (Type 4) Spray tight suit, EN ISO 13982-1 (Type 5) Dry particle suit EN ISO 13982-1 (Type 5) Dry particle suit, EN 14126 Barrier to infective agents EN 14126 Barrier to infective agents, EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE, EN ISO 14116:2008 index 1/0/0 EN ISO 14116:2008 index 1/0/0, EN ISO 13688:2013
Size Medium or Large or XLarge or XXLarge or XXXLarge or 4X-Large or 5X-Large or Small
Product Information
SKU/EAN 12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-03: 5013756057032
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-04: 5013756057056
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-05: 5013756057070
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-06: 5013756057094
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-07: 5013756057117
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-08: 5013756057131
MPN 12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-03: RD96T-00111-03
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-04: RD96T-00111-04
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-05: RD96T-00111-05
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-06: RD96T-00111-06
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-07: RD96T-00111-07
12-MCCFR-RD96T-00111-08: RD96T-00111-08
UNSPSC 46181503 - Beskyttende overtræksdragter
HS code 62101090
Ordering unit of measure Pc.
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