Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL


151.17 EUR

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Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL

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Jersey is a light and flexible material, consisting of burnt fibers combined with i.a. heat-treated wool. This results in a very soft and flexible material that is suitable as underwear and intermediate clothing in work situations with extreme temperatures. as well as cold degrees, with the flat fladlock stitching, make the Varmex Fire jersy comfortable to wear all day no late stitching.

151.17 EUR 151.17000000000002 InStock
490 Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL
29V420-839-L 5740017300933 [29V420-839-L] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (Large) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19636/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-M 5740017300934 [29V420-839-M] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (Medium) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19635/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-S 5740017300935 [29V420-839-S] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (Small) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19634/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-XL 5740017300936 [29V420-839-XL] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (XLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19637/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-XS 5740017300937 [29V420-839-XS] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (XSmall) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/23506/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-XXL 5740017300938 [29V420-839-XXL] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (XXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/19638/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-XXXL 5740017300939 [29V420-839-XXXL] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (XXXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/23507/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
29V420-839-XXXXL 5740017300940 [29V420-839-XXXXL] Sweater in VARMEX FIRE Jersey with round neck, dark blue antistatic, and breathable as well as rib cuff in wrist and waistband Size XS-XXXXL (XXXXLarge) https://www.d-s.dk/web/image/product.product/23508/image_1920?unique=dca2aa7
EUR 151.17 EUR VAT Excluded

1,128.00 DKK VAT Excluded

188.96 EUR 188.96 EUR with taxes

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Ordering Unit of Measure: Pc.
SKU Variant Stock
29V420-839-L Large In stock
29V420-839-M Medium In stock
29V420-839-S Small In stock
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29V420-839-XS XSmall In stock
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29V420-839-XXXXL XXXXLarge In stock


VARMEX® A / S og VARMEX® 2000 - er højkvalitets brandhæmmende stof fremstillet af DS Sikkerhed A / SVARMEX® er et brandhæmmende teknisk tekstil, der beskytter mod metaldråber, ild, embers, gnister ...

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VARMEX® FIRE Jersey er et let og smidigt materiale, bestående af brændte fibre kombineret med bl.a. varmebehandlet uld. Herved fås et meget blødt og flexibelt materiale, der er velegnet som under- og mellembeklædning i arbejdssituationer med ekstreme varmegrader.er velegnet som hjelmhue opfylder alle de normer som man har brug for som brandmand indenfor Brandbekæmpelse.

Beskrivelse:VARMEX®® Jersey er et let og smidigt materiale, bestående af brændte fibre kombineret med bl.a. varmebehandlet uld. Herved fås et meget blødt og flexibelt materiale, der er velegnet som under- og mellembeklædning i arbejdssituationer med ekstreme varmegrader. VARMEX®® Jersey er åndbart.

Ved åben flammepåvirkning tager det mere end 6 sekunder før brugerens smertetærskel er nået.

  • Trøje med rund hals i VARMEX®®Jersey.
  • Antistatisk og smidig.
  • Ribmanchet i håndled og linning.
  • Syet med flatlock-sømme, således at generende sammensyninger undgås.
  • Meget velegnet som isolation mod kulde.
Anvendelse:Under- og mellembeklædning i arbejdssituationer med ekstreme varmegrader. Især aktuelt som en ekstra barriere under flammehæmmende og varmeresistent yderbeklædning, som for eksempel branddragter, svejsekedeldragter og ikke mindst i tilfælde hvor der desuden er periodisk behov for kuldeisolation.
Pakn.:1 stk
Str:S-XXL (mindre merpris for str. XXXL og XXXXL, se artikel 16V180-839-XXXL og 16V180-839-XXXXL)
Vask:max. 40° C.
Rens:kemisk rensning
Materiale:30% VARMEX®, 30% wool, 30% chlorofibre, 10% aramid

Brand Varmex
Characteristic Miljøvenlig forpakning Miljøvenlig forpakning, Bæredygtig / miljøvenligt valg Bæredygtig / miljøvenligt valg, Fri for PFOS / PFAS Fri for PFOS / PFAS, Antistatisk Antistatisk, Må smides i almindelig affald - ikke skadelig Må smides i almindelig affald - ikke skadelig
Application Beskyttelse mod gløder, Beskyttelse mod gnister, Beskyttelse mod smeltet metal, Beskyttelse mod varme, Svejsning
Vask Kemisk rensning, Max. 40° C
PPE Kategori Beskyttelse af alvorlige skader Beskyttelse af alvorlige skader
Godkendelse EN 1149 (alle), CE / UKCA 2895  StedAir ETF 20CX-PV CE / UKCA 2895 StedAir ETF 20CX-PV, Electric Arc: EN 614822-1-1 Method A: Pass Electric Arc: EN 614822-1-1 Method A: Pass, Electric Arc: IEC 61482-1-1:2009 Pass (33.0 cal) Electric Arc: IEC 61482-1-1:2009 Pass (33.0 cal), EN 1149 -3:2004 Pass EN 1149 -3:2004 Pass, EN 13911: 2017 - PASS EN 13911: 2017 - PASS, EN ISO 1149-3:2004 Pass EN ISO 1149-3:2004 Pass, EN ISO 11612:2010 A1,A2,B1,C1,F1 EN ISO 11612:2010 A1,A2,B1,C1,F1, EN ISO 13938-2:2000 Pass EN ISO 13938-2:2000 Pass, EN ISO 14116:2008 3/3A/60 EN ISO 14116:2008 3/3A/60, EN ISO 15025:2016 Procedure A: A1 EN ISO 15025:2016 Procedure A: A1, EN ISO 15025:2016 Procedure B (folded edge) A2 EN ISO 15025:2016 Procedure B (folded edge) A2, EN ISO 17493:2000 Pass EN ISO 17493:2000 Pass, EN ISO 5077: 2008 Pass EN ISO 5077: 2008 Pass, EN367:1992 B1 EN367:1992 B1, EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE EU Regulation 2016/425 PPE, ISO 12127: 2007 @ 250C: F1 ISO 12127: 2007 @ 250C: F1, ISO 3071:2005 ISO 3071:2005, ISO 6330: 2012 | 5 Wash / Dry Cycles | 5 x 60oC washes 3A & F tumble drying ISO 6330: 2012 | 5 Wash / Dry Cycles | 5 x 60oC washes 3A & F tumble drying, ISO 6942: 2002 Method B at 20kW/m2 C1 ISO 6942: 2002 Method B at 20kW/m2 C1, ISO 9151: 1995 80k/Wm2: B1 ISO 9151: 1995 80k/Wm2: B1
Vægt 420 g/m2 420 g/m2
Size Medium or Large or XLarge or XXLarge or XXXLarge or XXXXLarge or Small or XSmall
Product Information
SKU/EAN 29V420-839-L: 5740017300933
29V420-839-M: 5740017300934
29V420-839-S: 5740017300935
29V420-839-XL: 5740017300936
29V420-839-XS: 5740017300937
29V420-839-XXL: 5740017300938
29V420-839-XXXL: 5740017300939
29V420-839-XXXXL: 5740017300940
MPN 29V420-839-L: 29V420-839-L
29V420-839-M: 29V420-839-M
29V420-839-S: 29V420-839-S
29V420-839-XL: 29V420-839-XL
29V420-839-XS: 29V420-839-XS
29V420-839-XXL: 29V420-839-XXL
29V420-839-XXXL: 29V420-839-XXXL
29V420-839-XXXXL: 29V420-839-XXXXL
UNSPSC 46181529 - Isoleret tøj til kolde omgivelser
HS code 62113900
Ordering unit of measure Pc.
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