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Chemical Recommendation Guide AlphaTec SolVex 37-185

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1. Permeation breakthrough times and degradation data according to EN ISO 374:2016 AlphaTec® Solvex® 37-185 Chemical agent CAS Number Breakthrough Time (min) Protection Index Degradation (%) Part Diethylamine 109-89-7 36 2 86.8 Cuff Diethylamine 109-89-7 55 2 85.8 Palm Formaldehyde, 37% 50-00-0 > 480 6 12.6 Cuff Formaldehyde, 37% 50-00-0 > 480 6 -1.9 Palm Heptane 142-82-5 > 480 6 12.6 Cuff Heptane 142-82-5 > 480 6 8.2 Palm Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% 7722-84-1 > 480 6 24.5 Cuff Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% 7722-84-1 368 5 2 Palm Methanol 67-56-1 190 4 62.2 Cuff Methanol 67-56-1 94 3 47.8 Palm Sodium Hydroxide, 40% 1310-73-2 > 480 6 16.1 Cuff Sodium Hydroxide, 40% 1310-73-2 > 480 6 -7.6 Palm Sulfuric Acid, 96% 7664-93-9 208 4 64.1 Cuff Sulfuric Acid, 96% 7664-93-9 165 4 59.8 Palm Permeation breakthrough times according to EN ISO 374:2016 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 < 10 10-30 30-60 60-120 120-240 240-480 > 480 Not recommended Splash protection Medium protection High protection Data given in the table above are based on results of laboratory tests performed on the palm or cuff area of the glove. These tests were run using standard test methods that may not adequately replicate any specific conditions of end use. We wish to highlight that permeation times do not equate to safe wear time. Safe wear time may vary depending on whether the PPE is donned correctly, the surrounding temperature, the chemicals’ toxicity, and other factors. Permeation information offered here is limited to the main protective material. Permeation times may vary around seams, zips, visors or any other joins or components of the PPE. It is the responsibility of your organization’s Health and Safety professional to undertake a risk assessment before choosing the appropriate PPE for the task at hand. Because Ansell has no detailed knowledge or control over the conditions of end use, any of these data must be advisory only, and Ansell must decline any liability. Ansell Healthcare Europe N.V. Riverside Business Park, Block J Boulevard International 55, 1070 Brussels, Belgium Tel. +32 (0) 2 528 74 00 Fax +32 (0) 2 528 74 01 E-mail

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