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1. AP RON FOR CRYOGENIC PROTECTION T - CRYO LI GHT Feature s The apron is made by a special composite coated and coupled multilayered fabric, completely waterproof to liquids. Adaptable to each individual through laces with clip buckles at the neck than the waistband, Av ailable in various lengths. Applic ations Suitable for all work in the presence of liquid nitrogen to prevent burns in the event of leakage of the liquid gas, especially in transfer operations: - Biology - Biobanks - Food industry - Molecular cuisine - Gelateria - Chemical industry - Scientific research - Environmental Technologies - Medical Technologies - Computing - etc. M odel/Code T-CRYO LIGHT (70x90 cm) T-CRYO LIGHT/S (80x60 cm) T-CRYO LIGHT/2 (70x110 cm) T-CRYO LIGHT/3 (70x120 cm) T-CRYO LIGHT/4 (70x135 cm) T - C R YO LIGHT i s a completely wate rproof apron (wa terproof) to protect th e front part of the body in operations that involve the use of liquid nitrogen (or other cryogenic gases). Made with specially designed composite materials for this application. Tested, with success, by contact with liquid nitrogen (-195.82 ° C) for one minute and the next test of flexibility (ANCCP method). CE certificate in 3rd cat. Warnin g! Persons handling cryogenic gases must be familiar with the risks that they involve, and should be adequately trained to handle security operations. Must also be established emergency procedures and adequate training of all functioning equipment. The cryogenic gas should never be handled without proper protective equipment. Caution! Not intended for immersion in liquid nitrogen or other cryogenic liquid.
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