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11. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 11 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 EXPERT FALL PROTECTION PLANNING SafetyLink's design and planning team are here to help work out the positioning of your fall protection system, ensuring all areas of your roof are accessed safely. Things to consider when planning your roof layout: ▪ Are all areas of your roof protected, allowing co mplete access when working at heights? ▪ Are you protected from the ground up, allowing complete access to your roof? ▪ Detailed comprehensive documentation provided e.g. installation guides, testing results, product sheets should be provided. ▪ SafetyLink can a lso provide you with a qualified and reputable installer of SafetyLink products. Contact our design team at and we can plan your fall arrest system for you. © 2018, SafetyLink Pty Ltd, Australia. Patents: SafetyLink Pty Ltd has a multitude of patents, patents pending, design applications, trademarks and copyrighted documents bot h lodged and issued. Should you wish to know the progress of our intellectual property on a specific produ ct please email us on and quote the product code.
12. IN CASE OF ACCIDENT A FALL RESCUE PLAN AND SAFE WORK STATEMENT MUST BE DEVELOPED PRIOR TO USING SAFETYLINK SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT. PERSONS WORKING AT HEIGHTS SHOULD NOT WORK ALONE. It is critical that before using any SafetyLink Systems a fall rescue plan is in place for any persons suspended mid - air following a fall. Serious injury or death can occur in a matter of minutes, particularly if a person’s movement or breathing is restric ted or loss of consciousness has occurred. In accordance with your fall rescue plan and appropriate first aid procedures it is essential to remove the person from the suspended position as quickly as possible. In accordance with AS/NZS 1891.4:2009 clause 9.5 EQUIPMENT WHICH HAS ARRESTED A FALL OR SHOWS A DEFECT Any piece of equipment including both personal and permanently installed items, which has been used to arrest a fall or which shows any defect during operator or periodic inspection shall be withdr awn from service immediately and a replacement obtained if necessary. A label indicating the condition or defect should be attached to the equipment, and it should be examined by a competent height safety installer who will decide whether the equipment is to be destroyed or repaired if necessary and returned to service. In the latter case, details of any repair shall be documented, and a copy given to the operator. DISTRIBUTOR: Asia - Pacific/The Americas | +61 2 4964 1068 | Europe/Africa/Middle East | Northern Europe | Safety Link Pty Ltd | ABN 83 081 777 371 |
10. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 10 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 APPENDIX – Diagram 2 – Anchor Positioning Layout THIS IS A GUIDE ONLY All working at heights safety procedures must be complied with when installing SafetyLink anchor points. For more information refer to your state or territories current legislation, regulations, policies and codes of practices. I F ANY DOUBT EXISTS WITH THE STRENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE OR ROOF SHEETS AN ENGINEER SHOULD MAKE THE ASSESSMENT. DURING INSTALLATION YOU MUST BE SAFE AT ALL TIMES. INSTALLATION MUST BE CARRIED OUT BY, OR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A COMPETENT HEIGHT SAFETY INSTALLER . ACCESS, LAYOUT AND USE OF A SAFETYLINK ANCHOR SYSTEM SafetyLink anchor points are positioned by calculating the pendulum effect, this limits the likelihood of a fall past the edge of the roof space. The pendulum effect still applies to a flat roof. SPACING MUST BE NO GREATER THAN THE RAFTER LENGTH, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR IF YOU ARE UNSURE. SAFETYLINK HEIGHT SAFETY SYSTEMS MUST ONLY BE INSTALLED AS PER OUR INSTALLATION GUIDES, TO STRUCTURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR EACH PRODUCT. SHOULD ANY DOUBT EXIST IN REGARD TO THE STRUCTURES INTEGRITY AN ENGINEER SHOULD BE CONSULTED. A B Use of Rope Line from point A to point B Entry Point
3. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 3 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 WARNINGS READ CAREFULLY SOMEONE’S LIFE DEPENDS ON IT INSTALLATION MUST BE CARRIED OUT BY, OR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A COMPETENT HEIGHT SAFETY INSTALLER. The building or structure for the anchorages should be assessed by an engineer, unless it is clear to a competent height safety installer that the anchorages system is structurally adequate. STANDARD E YEBOLTS MUST ONLY BE USED AS A FALL ARREST ANCHOR. ABSEILING EYEBOLTS ARE TO BE USED FOR ROPE ACCESS (ABSEILING). SURFACE MOUNTED ANCHORS MUST NOT BE USED FOR ROPE ACCESS (ABSEILING). RETRO EYEBOLTS USED FOR ROPE ACCESS (ABSEILING) EXCEPT ON HIGH PROFILE SECTION. When installing anchor points all safety procedures must compl y in accordance with the current safety code/s of practice/s for working at heights. • Recommended waterproofing for roof tiles: Sika Flex Co - Polymer Sealant . • Recommended waterproofing for metal roof: S ilicone Sealant . • A personal energy absorber or a fall - arrest device with a personal energy absorber must be used to connect to all SafetyLink Anchorages and (or) Strops. MAXIMUM USER PER FROGLINK IS ONE (1) Safety Centre Training Installation Video Anchor Layout Video Catalogue
7. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 7 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 FROGLINK ANCHOR UNIT Product Code: FROGL001 POSITIONING FROGLINK ANCHOR POINT S The first FrogLink must be in a position easily and safely reached from a safe access point. Access to the underside of the roof is not required for installation. It is recommended the FrogLink be installed to the crest /high section of the roof sheeting profile aligned with the fall of the roof, where this is not practic al the FrogLink may be installed into the pan/ low section, be sure not to create an area where leaves and debris can collect. If installing on to roof sheet lap/joints the fixings MUST PENETRATE THROUGH BOTH ROOF SHEETS of the lap/joint. Check individual roof profile specifications to confirm or avoid installation at roof sheet lap/joins. POSITIONING ON ROOF SHEETS INSTALLED WITH PENETRATING SCREWS ( Trim deck, Custom Orb or similar ) 1. FrogLink must be installed on roofs with a minimum of two purlins/battens , with the roof sheeting being installed/secured with penetrating screws into purlins/battens as per manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. Froglink can be installed directly into roof shee ting or on purlin screw lines providing there is a purlin / screw line above and below the anchor point. FROGLINK MUST BE INSTALLED ON ROOFS WITH MINIMUM OF TWO PURLINS/BATTENS WITH A PURLIN/SCREW LINE ABOVE AND BELOW THE ANCHOR POINT 3. Determine best method of installation Option 1 : roof sheet mount or Option 2: roof sheet and purlin mount. OPTION 1: FROGLINK MOUNTED ONTO ROOF SHEET BY 7 RIVETS OPTION 2: FROGLINK MOUNTED ONTO ROOF SHEET AND PURLIN BY 6 RIVETS AND 1X14G SCREW THRO UGH CENTER HOLE.
9. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 9 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 FROGLINK ANCHOR UNIT Product Code: FROGL001 INSTALLATION: TO THE SURFACE OF A METAL ROOF SHEET 1. Place the FrogLink on the surface of the roof sheet running parallel with the sheets profile in the required location. FrogLink anchor is recommended to be installed on the crest/ high section of the profi le aligned with the fall of the roof when this cannot be achieved the FrogLink can be installed into the pan /low section. Ensure not to create an area where leaves or debris can collect. If installing on to roof sheet lap/joints the fixings MUST PENETRAT E THROUGH BOTH ROOF SHEETS of the lap/joint. Check individual roof profile specifications to confirm or avoid installation at roof sheet lap/joins. Option 1 : a) Drill Seven (7) x 8mm holes into the roof sheets through the locating holes on the FrogLink. b) Secure the FrogLink to the roof by riveting through the holes in the FrogLink Anchor and the roof sheet using 8mm BT Tri Fold Rivets . Option 2 : a) Install 1x 14g Roofing screw through the Froglink mounting hole, securing the anchor to the roof sheet and the purlin below. b) Drill Six (6) x 8mm holes into the roof sheets through the remaining FrogLink mounting holes. 2. Clean away any swarf or metal filings created from install to prevent corrosion/damag e to roof sheets/gutters. 3. The FrogLink Anchor Point is now ready for use, giving you an anchor point to attach to while installing the next FrogLink. Live Load on Anchors: The FrogLink anchor is best suited to roof pitches up to 30 degrees. For over 30 de grees FrogLinks should be used in conjunction with other access methods to ensure no live loading. Note: These anchors are not abseil or lifting anchors and therefore if they are subjected to a live load this may trigger the energy absorbing regions. 1 3 2 5
1. Safety Link is an innovative anchor company achieving success and keeping you safe whilst working at heights . INSTALLATION HANDBOOK FROGLINK ANCHOR Read entire handbook before installing Safety Link products. All products must be installed in accordance with Safety Link ’s installation handbook, using only products supplied by Safety Link Pty Ltd. Failure to follow all warnings and instructions may result in serious injury or death. Asia - Pacific/The Americas Europe/Africa/Middle East Northern Europe uk.sales@safetylink .com ROOF ANCHORS HORIZONTAL LIFELINES PERMANENT LADDERS LADDER STABILISERS TEMPORARY ANCHOR WALKWAY & GUARDRAIL X - RAI L - HORIZONTAL RAIL
8. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 8 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 FROGLINK ANCHOR UNIT Product Code: FROGL001 POSITIONING ON CONCEAL FIX ROOF SHEETS ( STANDING SEAM / KLIP - LOK ) 1. Determine method of installation Option 1: roof sheet mount or Option 2: roof sheet and purlin mount. 2. FrogLink Anchors must be positioned a MINIMUM OF 2 METRES from the roof sheet edges unless additional roofing screws are installed. 3. When required, a dditional roofing screws 4x 12g must secure the individual roof sheet onto the structure where the anchor is installed . 4. The roofing screws must be installed to the structure between the anchor and roof sheet edge that falls under 2m. 5. This shal l be required both above and below the anchor if it is installed less than 2m from the roof sheet edge on both sides 6. Alternately Ridge capping and flashings can be assessed by a competent person to determine suitable strength as a substitute to additional securing screws. FROGLINK INSTALLED LESS THAN 2M FROM ROOF SHEET EDGES REQUIRE 4X12G ADDITIONAL SCREWS TO SECURE ROOF SHEETS INTO PURLIN ON SIDE THAT FALLS UNDER 2M FROGLINK INSTALLED LESS THAN 2M FROM BOTH SIDES OF ROOF SHEET EDGES REQUIRE 4X12G ADDITIONAL SCREWS TO SECURE ROOF SHEETS INTO PURLINS ON BOTH SIDES THAT FALL UNDER 2M
6. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 6 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 FROGLINK ANCHOR UNIT Product Code: FROGL001 All safety procedures must comp ly in accordance with the current safety code(s) of practice(s) for working at heights. Ensure safety at all times during and after installation by using an appropriate height safety protection system . FROGLINK ANCHORS MUST NOT BE USED FOR ROPE ACCESS (ABSE ILING). MAXIMUM USER PER FROGLINK IS O NE ( 1 ) PERSON . C OMPONENTS Qty Product Description 1 FrogLink Plate with waterproofing membrane 7 8mm Trifold Rivets (Green Seal) ( Drill size 7.8 - 8.2mm, 27.7mm length, 1.0 - 9.5mm grip range, Aluminium) INSPECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE STRUCTURE AND ROOF SHEETING - Installation of anchors can only be made to roof sheeting strong enough to support the anchor point. - MINIMUM roof sheet gauge is 0.42mm for steel and 0.7mm for aluminium. - Roof sheets must be insp ected thoroughly for splits, rust, corrosion damage and correct installation. - Ensure the roof sheeting and structure is secured in accordance with current building codes and manufacturer’s instructions. During installation you must be safe at all times. If any doubt exists with the strength of the structure or roof sheets an engineer should make the assessment. Installation must be carried out by, or under the supervision of a competent height saf ety installer.
4. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 4 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 MAINTENANCE – PERIODIC INSPECTIONS All items of height safety equipment which are in regular use shall be subjected to periodic inspection and servicing. These regular scheduled inspections and servicing must be carried out by a competent height safety installer . FIXED LADDERLINK: LADDER SUPPORT BRACKET ALL LADDERLINKS MUST BE INSPECTED EVERY 12 MONTHS, INSPECTIONS NEED TO BE CARRIED OUT BY A COMPETENT HEIGHT SAFETY INSTALLER . Procedures to be followed at inspection time: - Visually inspect ladder support brackets for any signs of deterioration or the protective coating being removed. (Note: LadderLink is made from marine grade aluminium and therefore should not corrode). - Ensure LadderLink is firmly secured to the structure as per SafetyLink Installation Handbook. (refer to Installing LadderLink ). SAFETYLINK ANCHORAGES ALL ANCHORAGES MUST BE INSPECTED EVERY TWELVE MONTHS, INSPECTIONS NEED TO BE CARRIED OUT BY A COMPETENT HEIGHT SAFETY INSTALLER . Procedures to be followed at inspection time: - Visually inspect anchors for signs of deterioration. - The FrogLink/TileLink a nchor point has two energy absorbing regions and two stabilising joins which hold the eyelet in place during use. If these energy absorbing regions are expanded this will indicate the anchor point has arrested a fall. Similarly, if the two stabilising join s have been broken this would also indicate the FrogLink/TileLink has arrested a fall and should be replaced. - The eyebolt should remain straight, a bent eyebolt will indicate that the anchor point has arrested a fall (The design features of the eyebolt includes the ability to bend like a fishing pole starting from the top and working its way to the bottom, enablin g it to use up energy as the eyebolt bends whilst lessening the force on the person falling and the attachment point). - Visually inspect the components of the anchor for corrosion, superficial surface marking is permitted while deeper corrosion or pitting would require attention. - Manually (by hand) check the eyebolt for rigidity and tightness, if the eyebolt can turn in the anticlockwise direction it will require attention. - Visually inspect the rubber hat washer and waterproofing components to ensure it has remained sealed. - Visually inspect the attachment component of the anchorage where practically possible. - Visually inspect the parent structure for modifications or deterioration which might lead to loss of anchorage strength. - For Concrete I nstallation Only: To comply with Australian Standards, each ConcreteLink must be tested after installation and at every recertification inspection. Ensure you wait the recommended curing time as specified by the chemical anchor instructions. The pull test can be done using a 16mm threaded eyebolt. Test consists of ultimate pull out force proof loading to 50% of design purpose of anchorage. - A personal energy absorber or a fall - arrest device with a personal energy absorber must be used in conjunction with a ll SafetyLink Anchorages and Lifeline systems. IN ADDITION TO SAFETYLINK PTY LTD EQUIPMENT, ALL ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT MUST BE INSPECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS. FOR MAINTENANCE ADVICE AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT SAFETYLINK ON +61 249 641068 OR 1300 789545 FOR YOUR NEAREST SAFETYLINK INSPECTION SERVICE CENTRE OR EMAIL:
5. Return to Table of Contents Ref: FrogLink_Anchor_Handbook Page 5 of 12 Doc ID: MKT - 200 Version: 18.0 WARRANTIES EXTRACT: SafetyLink Pty Ltd STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 11.1 To the extent permitted by law all implied conditions, warranties and undertakings are expressly excluded. 11.2 Except as provided in this clause the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect (including consequential lo sses or damage) arising out of any breach of contract by the Company or any negligence of the Company, its employees or agents. 11.3 Should the Company be liable for a breach of a guarantee, condition or warranty implied by the Australian Consumer L aw (not being a guarantee, condition or warranty implied by sections 51, 52 and 53 of that Law) then its liability for a breach of any such condition or warranty express or implied shall be limited, at its option, to any one or more of the following. A) in case of Goods (I) the replacement of the Goods or the supply of equivalent Goods. (II) the repair of the goods, (III) the payment of the cost of replacing the Goods or acquiring equivalent Goods. (IV) The payment of the cost of having the Goods repaired. Provided that any such Goods are returned to the Company by the Purchaser at the Purchaser’s expense. B) in the case of services (i) the supply of the services again, (ii) the payment of the cost of having the services supplie d again. 11.4 The Company will not be liable for the costs of recovery of the Goods from the field, loss of use of the Goods, loss of time, inconvenience, incidental or consequential loss or damage, nor for any other loss or damage o t her than as stated above, w hether ordinary or exemplary, caused either directly or indirectly by use of the Goods. 11.5 The Company warrants that at the time of shipment, Products manufactured by it will be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the absence of a modifi ed written warranty, the Company agrees to making good any such defects by repairing the same or at the Company’s o ption by replacement, for a period of (1) one year from the date of shipment. This limited warranty applies provided that: (a) defects ha ve aris en solely from faulty materials or workmanship; (b) the Products have not received maltreatment, inattention or interference; (c) the Products have been installed in accordance with the Company’s Installation Handbooks using only products supplied b y the Company; (d) accessories used with the Products are manufactured by or approved by the Company; (e) the Products are maintained in accordance with Australian Standard 1891.4 (section 9). (f) you notify any claim under this warranty to SafetyLink in writing to the address below no later than 14 days after the event or occurrence concerning the produc t giving rise to the claim and you pay all costs related to your claim. This warranty does not apply to any defects or other malfunctions c aused to the Goods by accident, neglect, vandalism, misuse, alteration, modification or unusual physical, environment or electrical stress. Please note that the benefits to the purchaser (as a consumer) given by this warranty are in addition to your other rights and remedies under the Australian Consumer Law. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably fo reseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. 11.6 If any goods are not manufactured by the Company, the guarantee of the manufacturer thereof shall be accepted by the Purchaser as the only express warranty given in respect of the goods. 11.7 Except as provided in this clause 11, all express and implied warranties, guarantees and conditions under statute or general law a s the merchantability, description, quality, suitability or fitness of the Products for any purpose or as to design, assembly, installation, materials or workmanship or otherwise are hereby expressly excluded (to the extent to which they may be excluded by law). PLEASE SEE SAFETYLINK PTY LTD FULL STANDARD TERMS OF CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR FURTHER REFERENCE.
2. TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTALLATION OF SAFETY LINK FROGLINK ANCHOR WARNINGS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 3 MAINTENANCE – PERIODIC INSPECTIONS ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 4 FIXED LADDERLINK: LADDER SUPPORT BRACKET ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 4 SAFETYLINK ANCHORAGES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 4 WARRANTIES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 5 FROGLINK ANCHOR UNIT ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 6 COMPONENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 6 INSPECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE STRUCTURE AND ROOF SHEETING ................................ ................................ ....... 6 POSITIONING FROGLINK ANCHOR POINTS ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 7 POSITIONING ON ROOF SHEETS INSTALLED WITH PENETRATING SCREWS ( T RIM DECK , C USTOM O RB OR SIMILAR ) ..... 7 POSITIONING ON STANDING SEAM / KLIP - LOK / CONCEALED FIX ROOF PROFILES ................................ ................. 8 INSTALLATION: TO THE SURFACE OF A METAL ROOF SHEET ................................ ................................ .................... 9 APPENDIX – Diagram 2 – Anchor Positioning Layout ................................ ................................ ..................... 10 EXPERT FALL PROTECTION PLANNING ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 11 IN CASE OF ACCIDENT ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 12
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