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1. It is recommended t ha t an y on e in v olved in t he u s e o f li ft in g slings should read and appl y t he in f orma t ion shown . R E C O MM EN D E D INSPE C TIO N O F S L INGS F O R D AM A G E 1 . E xam in e t h e s lin g t h r oughou t i ts l e ng t h f o r s u rface c h afe , c u ts in t h e w e bbing o r se l ve dg e s o r t h e c o ver a nd c o r e o f r ound s ling s . In s p ec t st i tc hing o f seams a n d f o r cracks o r d ama g e . 2 . C h em i ca l d ama g e wil l s how as lo ca l s o fte nin g o r powd er ing o f t h e s lin g o r i ts ou ter c o ve r . 3 . a b ras ion o r in a n y cas e o f doub t , t h e s lin g s hould b e take n ou t o f serv i ce a nd t h e a d v i c e o f t h e s uppli er s ough t . Straight Pull M*=1 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Choke Hitch M*=0.8 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 6.4 8.0 9.6 Basket Hitch Parallel M*=2 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 20.0 Basket Hitch 90° M*=1.4 1.4 2.8 4.2 5.6 7.0 8.4 1 1.2 14.0 16.8 2-Leg Sling Max 90° M*=1.4 1.4 2.8 4.2 5.6 7.0 8.4 1 1.2 14.0 16.8 4-Leg Sling Max 90° M*=2 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 R A T E D CA P AC IT I E S F OR W EBSL IN GS A ND R O U N DSL IN G S V iolet 30 Green 60 Y ellow 90 Grey 120 Red 150 Brown 180 Blue 240 Orange 300 Orange 300 Duplex Single Round Endless Sling W o rk ing Lo a d Li m i t ( WLL ) = Sling rat ing x M od e F act o r (M* ) A ll loads in t onnes . F ac t or o f S a f ey f or all W eb s lings and Round s lings is 7 : 1 . E U c olour c oding only applicable wi t h indu st rial equipmen t . L i ft i n g S li n g Safet y Ch a r t PO L Y ESTE R Pol yester s ling s s hould b e u se d wh e n ever a m ini m u m o f stretc h i s re qui re d . Th ey are un affecte d b y c o mm on ac id s a nd ho t bl eac hing s olu t ion s . B S EN 1492 - 1 : 2000 W e bs li n g B S EN 1492 - 2 : 2000 R ounds li n g P olye st er s lings mu st no t be used wi t h S ulphuri c Ac id* or s t rong A lkalis** . No t sui t able f or use a t t empera t ure s e x ceeding 200 ° C . St re t ch a t ra t ed c apaci t y is approxima t ely 3% . A C I D * A L C OHO L N O ALD EHI D E S * * ST R ONG AL K AL I S O K BL E A C HING A GENT S O K D R Y CL E A NING SO L V ENT S O K ETHE R S N O H A L OGE N A TE D H YD R O CARB ON S O K H YD R O CARB ON S O K KE T ONE S O K OI L , C R U D E O K OI L , L U BR I C A TIN G O K S O A PS & D ETE R GENT S O K W A TE R , SE A W A TE R O K WE A K AL K AL I S O K *Disintegrated by concrated sulphuric acid **Degraded by strong alkalis at high temp Pra c ti c al Advi c e for the S a fe U se a nd Ma i nten a nce of T ext i le Sl i ng s 1. Use only identified slings. 2. Do not use a damaged sling. Observable damage is the most reliable sign of weakness, particularly if a new sling is available for comparison. 3. Note the correct ‘Safe W orking Load ’ for the mode use (see chart above). 4. If intensive use is to be made of a sling in choked hitch, protection at the point of choke is recommended. Allow the angle of choke to form naturally - do not force. 5. Never engage a textile sling with anything which may damage it. The lifting device, where it engages with the sling, should be smooth, without sharp edges and of the correct size so as to avoid excessive opening of the eye or excessive loading of sewn parts. 6. Observe the following precautions: 6. a. ensure that the sling is suitable for the load lifted; 6. b. do not drag loads when slung; 6. c. do not lift with slings which are knotted or twisted; 6. d. in cases where contact with sharp edges is possible, make sure that protective sleeves or patches are provided and that they are correctly located; 6. e. do not allow the sling to remain under load for longer than necessary; 6. f. do not pull sling from under the load when the load is resting on the sling; 6. g. avoid snatch or shock loading; 6. h. avoid eye opening an g le of more than 20 (see 5); 6. i. ensure that the included angles for 2-leg and 4-leg slings do not exceed 90 degrees. 7. Ensure that the load will remain stable when lifted, and that when more than one sling is used for a single load, that the weight is properly distributed between the slings or sling legs. 8. If slings are to be used where contact with chemicals is possible, or other extreme conditions such as high temperatures may be encountered, please seek advice. 9. Store slings away from sources of ultraviolet radiation, (including sunlight) to avoid degradation. 10. Do not dry or store slings near a source of heat. Store them on a suitable rack in a free circulation of ai r . 1 1. Inspect slings before and during use(see 2). 12. Never attempt to repair a damaged sling. In cases of doubt, return it to Checkmate. C he c kmate Lifting & Safety Lt d Ne w Road, S heerness, K ent, En g land ME12 1P Z T el: +44 (0 ) 1795 580 333 Email : sales@checkm a m C H EC K U S O U T w w w .checkm a m This safety chart has been complied by Checkmate Lifting and Safety Ltd in the interests of health and safety at work. If you have further queries please contat Checkmate Lifting and Safety Ltd.
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