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3. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 1

1. SENSOTOX C2 User Manual

2. READ THE MANUAL BEFORE USING This manual should be carefully read by those who have or will have responsibility for use, maintenance or repair of the product. This product will perform properly only if used, maintained and repaired in accordance wi th the manufacturer's instructions. CAUTION WARNING Calibration of all new unit should be checked by exposing the sensors to a known gas concentration before putting the instrument into service. For maximum safety, the accuracy of reading of the Sensotox C2 should be checked every three months. Disconnect the power before removing the sensor. Remove the cover and the sensor from the unit only if the work area is known not to be dangerous.

16. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 14 3.3 Display readout In the detectors with window, once the detector goes into read mode, i t starts an automatic check for possible faults and alarm conditions. If there is no fault or alarm condition, the green "Ok" LED is activated and the gas concentration is shown. If a fault is shown, the " Faul " LED will lit . Each alarm condition has a corr esponding LED.

11. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 9 2. OPERATION The calibration of all new instruments acquired from Sensotran should be checked by exposing the sensor to a known concentration of gas before putting the instrument into service. For maximum safety, accuracy should be checked by exposing the sensor to a known concentration of gas over a period of time. Calibration must be checked daily during the initial period of use to ensure that there are no compo nents in the atmosphere which might contaminate the sensor. Check the calibration using a known concentration of gas before use. Recalibrate if the error is excessive. Before shipment, Sensotox C2 instruments are calibrated and checked using Span gas. H owever, the user should check the operation before first use. Once the unit has been installed, leave it running for 24 hours and check it with gas.

6. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 4 have a window with a display for reading the gas concentration, status LEDs and magnetic keys for configuration. Sensotox C 2 PID uses a sensor to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It works with v oltages from 9 to 36 V dc with an analogue (4 - 20 mA) or digital (RS - 485, ModBus) output. Sensotox2 is equipped with flameproof enclosure, and this may be blind or have a window with a display for reading the gas concentration, status LEDs and magnetic keys for configuration.

13. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 11 Make 2 holes in th e mounting surface 126 mm apart. 2.2.2 Uninstalling Before dismantling, make sure that power is disconnected. 1. U nscrew the 4 screws on the lid, remo ve the lid, and the display flat cable connector. 2. Disconnect the power connectors and communication/relay connectors. 3. Disconnect the sensor connector. 4. Unscrew the 2 main board screws . 5. Remove the main board. 6. Unscrew the sensor.

31. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 29 sensotran, s.l. Av. Remolar 31 BARCELONA - SPAIN Phone: +34 93 478 5842 F ax: +34 93 478 5592

12. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 10 2.1 Physical Description The design of Sensotox C2 makes it easy to place and connect at a fixed locatio n to monitor gas. 2.2 Installation 2.2.1 Installing ATTENTION 1. At least 457 mm of armored cable must be used between group A and B zones. 2. To prevent ignition in explosive atmospheres, the area must be free of flammable gases and the power supply to the detector must be dis connected before opening the cover. 3. For European applications, the installation must meet the requirements of EN 60079 - 14.

24. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 22 • Press [ - ] or [MODE] to dismiss modifications and g o to next setting. • Press [+] to save changes. “ SAuE ” will be displayed to confirm changes have been stored. Pressing [MODE] will circulate over next option . To edit a value, press [+] and display will show the actual setting for the parameter . You can exit anytime from Advanced Menu by pressing [ - ]. If any key press is detected for 60 seconds, system will return to Reading Mode .

18. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 16 4 CALIBRATION Sensotox C 2 units are calibrated using a two point calibration process. First, use the "Zero calibration", then the "SPAN calibra tion" exposing the sensor to a reference gas concentration to establish the second calibration point. Note: "Zero calibration" must be carried out before "Span Calibration". The calibration requires a zero cylinder, a Span cylinder and a calibration adapt er. ATTENTION The calibration of all unit purchased from Sensotran should be tested by exposing the sensor to a known concentration o f gas before putting the instrument into service. For maximum safety, the accuracy of Sensotox C 2 should be checked by exposing the sensor to a known concentration of gas over a period of time

15. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 13 3 DISPLAY & USER INTERFACE 3.1 User interface All th e Sensotox C2 are equipped with four status LEDs, a four - digit LCD display and three mechanical keys [+], [MODE] and [ - ]. 3.2 Starting up the unit Both the detector with a window and the blind one require a start - up time that depends on the built - in sen sor. " init " is displayed on the detector with a window, alternating with a countdown. When the count reaches zero, the detector is operative. In both the detector with a window and the blind one, the analogue output current is 2 mA during the start - up ti me. When the start - up time has elapsed, and provided there is no fault condition, the 4/20 mA analogue output current will be proportional to the sensor reading.

29. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 27 6 MODBUS/RS - 485 Retrieving gas concentration data from Sensotox C 2 through RS - 485. The Sensotox C 2 communicates by means of MODBUS RTU. All monitors provide 4 - byte register value. Note: Gas concentration is the only value that can be retrieved. As example 34 hex = 52 decimal. 1. Communication Setting Transmission MODE:RTU Controller : PC or GasVisor Controller. Baud Rate: 4800, 9600, 19200 bps. Client ID: 1 to 32 2. Message Frame/ Communication Procedure Sensotox C 2 only support function code 0x03 (read holding registers), which only supports the “Get Reading Value” from the detector.

5. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 3 1. INTROD UCTION Sensotox C 2 EC uses an electrochemical sensor to detect oxygen and toxic gases. It works with voltages from 9 to 36 V dc with an analogue (4 - 20 mA) or digital (RS - 485, ModBus) output. Sensotox2 is equipped with flameproof enclosure, and this may be blind or have a window with a display for reading the gas concentration, status LEDs and magnetic keys for configuration. Sensotox C 2 IR uses a non - dispersive infrared sensor to detect combustible gases, carbon dioxide and other gases. It works with voltag es from 9 to 36 V dc with an analogue (4 - 20 mA) or digital (RS - 485, ModBus) output. Sensotox2 is equipped with flameproof enclosure, and this may be blind or have a window with a display for reading the gas concentration, status LEDs and magnetic keys for configuration. Sensotox C 2 LIE uses a catalytic sensor with high resistance to contaminants for detecting combustible gases (LEL). It works with voltages from 9 to 36 V dc with an analogue (4 - 20 mA) or digital (RS - 485, ModBus) output. Sensotox2 is equipped with flameproof enclosure, and this may be blind or

20. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 18 MODE MODE + + - When Zero Calibration will be finished, instr ument will advance to Span Calibration. When finished, program will go to Span Calibration . MODE MODE 2ErO SPAn ( Countdown ) ( Display Vlue ) ( Countdown ) Reading Mode - Reading Mode (Display Value)

23. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 21 After 60 seconds without activity, detector returns to actual reading screen. Advanced Menu Display Setting CALu Span Calibrat ion value FC Correction Factor (for LEL & VOC only) LO Low Alarm HI Hi Alarm Id Instrument ID bAUd Transmission Speed (19200, 9600 or 4800) Lite Backlight Aout Analogue output (4 / 20 mA) • To modify a setting, press [MODE] until desired value appea rs. • Press [+] to enter into the setting. • Press [+] to increase/change the value. • Press [ - ] to decrease/change the value. • When finished, press [MODE]. If the setting has been modified, new value will blink.

27. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 25 + MODE MODE 4 - 20 mA Analogue Output adjustment. Aout A4 A20 Edit Setting Edit Setting + + - -

22. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 20 Advanced Menu Sensotox C 2 Advanced Menu let you modify several configuration parameters. To enter into Advanced Menu, press the sequence [+], [ - ] and [MODE]. Display will show then CALu . Ø Pressing [MODE] will move to the nex t function. Ø Pressing [+] will enter into the setting and show the actual value. Ø Pressing [ - ] will leave the Advanced Menu. Reading Screen + Press and hold 1 second - Press and hold 1 s econd MODE Press and hold 1 second CALu + Edit Parameter - MODE (Next Parameter) Advanced Menu

21. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 19 II - Span calibration 1. Connect the SPAN calibration cylinder to the sensor Sensotox C 2 head using the cal ibration adapter and applying a flow of gas. Tip: To accede the Span Calibration from reading display, press [MODE]. When “ 2ERO ” appears, press [MODE] again to go to “ Span ”. 2. Press [+] to start calibration. “Span” LED will lit and “ Span ” will be displayed alternatively with a countdown . Calibration can be cancelled by pressing any key. 3. When countdown will be completed, LED and “ Span ” disappears and calibration data will be saved. If the sensor does not have sensitivity enough for being calibrated, “ Fail ” an d “ Span ” messages will be displayed alternatively; that can suggest than sensor needs to be replaced. 4. To quit the Menu and return to actual reading screen, press [+]. If not, the instrument will return automatically to actual reading screen after a short p eriod. 5. Close the gas valve.

28. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 26 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Error Description and solution E003 Description : Calibration error Solution : Make sure there is gas flow circulation and repeat calibration. If still fails, replace the sensor. E004 Description : Zero Drift Solution : Make sure se nsor is in a clean ambient or alternatively, use Nitrogen to do zero calibration. E005 Description : Sensor Over range Solution : Call an Authorized Service Center. E006 Description : Wiring Error Solution : Verify wiring E007 Description : EEPROM Error Sol ution : Replace main board. Call an Authorized Service Centre.

26. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 24 MODE MODE (Setting modified) (Setting non modified) (Blinking) Value Decreased Value Increased Value How to edit and modify Settings . 51 50 49 + 51 SAuE 51 - - +

9. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 7 Sensotox C2 LEL specifications Size 160 mm x 100 mm x 85 mm Weight 1.6 kg Sensor Pellistor Calibration 2 points IP IP - 56 Power supply 13,6 Vcc, 85 - 260 V ac Output 4 – 20 mA RS - 485, a 4.8, 9.6 ó 19.2 Kb/seg. Display 7 segments, 4 digits and 6 LEDs User interface Three key, non - intrusive access for calibration and adjustment Temperature - 40 a 60 °C Humidity 0 - 95% RH (non - condensing) Pressure 0.9 – 1.1 Atm Relay contacts 30 V, 2 A normally open. One for alarm 1 and one for alarm 2.

8. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 6 Sensotox C2 IR specifications Size 160 mm x 100 mm x 85 mm Weight 1.6 kg Sensor NDIR (non - dispersive infrared) Calibration 2 points IP IP - 56 Power supply 13,6 Vcc, 85 - 260 V ac O utput 4 – 20 mA RS - 485, a 4.8, 9.6 ó 19.2 Kb/seg. Display 7 segments, 4 digits and 6 LEDs User interface Three key, non - intrusive access for calibration and adjustment Temperature - 40 a 60 °C Humidity 0 - 95% RH (non - condensing) Pressure 0.9 – 1.1 Atm Relay contacts 30 V, 2 A normally open. One for alarm 1 and one for alarm 2.

10. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 8 Sensotox C2 PID specifications Size 160 mm x 100 mm x 85 mm Weight 1.6 kg Sensor Photoionization Calibration 2 points IP IP - 56 Power supply 13,6 Vcc, 85 - 260 V ac Output 4 – 20 mA RS - 485, a 4.8, 9.6 ó 19.2 Kb/seg. Display 7 segments, 4 digits and 6 LEDs User interface Three key, non - intrusive access for calibration and adjustment Temperature - 40 a 60 °C Humidity 0 - 95% RH (non - condensing) Pressure 0.9 – 1.1 Atm Relay contacts 30 V, 2 A normally open. One for alarm 1 and one for alarm 2.

19. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 17 I – Zero Calibration 1. Ensure that there are no flammable gases or gases that might interfere with the sensor reading in the area where the detector is located. Suspected that the atmosphere is not clean, use a zero gas such as Nitrogen 5.0 2. Acceed to Calibration Menu by pressing [MODE] twice . “ 2ErO ” message will be displayed . Not e : Press [M ODE] to bypass and continue to Span calibration . Press [ - ] to return to Reading display . 3. In atmosphere with pollutants, connect the calibration ZERO cylinder to the sensor head of the Sensotox C 2 using the calibration adapter and apply the gas flow. 4. Press [+] to start calibration. Zero LED will lit and “ 2ErO ” message will be displayed alternatively with a countdown. Tip: Before countdown will finish, you can cancel calibration by pressing any key. 5. When countdown will be completed, LED and “ 2ERO ” disappears and calibration data will be saved. Note: The machine returns to reading the display after 60 seconds of inactivity .

7. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 5 1.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Sensotox C2 EC specifications Size 160 mm x 100 mm x 85 mm Weight 1.6 kg Sensor Electrochemical Calibration 2 points IP IP - 56 Power supply 13,6 Vcc, 85 - 260 V ac Output 4 – 20 mA RS - 4 85, a 4.8, 9.6 ó 19.2 Kb/seg. Display 7 segments, 4 digits and 6 LEDs User interface Three key, non - intrusive access for calibration and adjustment Temperature - 40 a 60 °C Humidity 0 - 95% RH (non - condensing) Pressure 0.9 – 1.1 Atm Relay contacts 30 V, 2 A normally open. One for alarm 1 and one for alarm 2.

17. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 15 3.4 Alarm contacts The alarm contacts or alarm relays can be used to activate acoustic or luminous alarms. External alarms have normally open contacts which close when there is an alarm. External alarm LED LCD Analogue output E xceeds the low alarm threshold Alarm ALM1 Low Reading Based on reading Exceeds the high alarm threshold Alarm ALM1 High Reading Based on reading Out of range Alarm ALM2 High 8888 22 mA Calibration fault Alarm ALM2 Fault E003 flashing 2 mA Sensor drift Alarm ALM2 Fault E004 flashing 2 mA ADC saturated Alarm ALM2 Fault E005 flashing 2 mA

25. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 23 CALu + Edit Setting - MODE CF + Edit Setting - MODE LO + Edit Setting - MODE HI + Edit Setting - MODE Id + Edit Setting - MODE bAUd + Edit Setting - MODE Aout + Edit Setting - MODE Reading Mode

30. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 28 Requesting Messag e: Device Address Function Code Register Address High Byte Register Address Low Byte Quantity of Registers High Byte Quantity of Registers Low Byte CRC Low Byte CRC High Byte Client ID 03 00 02 00 02 CRC CRC Answering Message: Device Address Function Code Byte Count Register Value CRC Low Byte CRC High Byte Client ID 03 04 Reading byte 4 Reading byte 3 Reading byte 2 Reading byte 1 CRC CRC Note : Detector data length is 4 bytes. Example: Request: 01 03 00 02 00 02 CRC CRC Answer: 01 03 04 00 00 00 3A 7A 20 Note: The maximum distance should be less than 1 Km when using a 1.5 mm 2 cable.

14. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 12 2 .2.3 Wiring 1 Earth 12 Fault Relay ( common ) 2 Power Supply 110/265 Vac 13 Auxiliary supply (+13,7 V) 3 Power Supply 110/265 Vac 14 Auxiliary supply ( - 13,7 V) 4 Alarm Relay 1 (n/c) 15 RS485A 5 Alarm Relay 1 (n/o) 16 RS485B 6 Alarm Relay 1 ( common ) 17 4/20 mA (Signal ) 7 Alarm Relay 2 (n/c) 18 4/20 mA (common) 8 Alarm Relay 2 (n/o) 19 Sensor PS 9 Alarm Relay 2 (common) 20 4/20 mA In (Common) 10 Fault Relay (n/c) 21 4/20 mA In (Signal) 11 Fault Relay (n/o) 2.2.4 Installing the unit 1. Fit the connecto rs into their respective locations. Save an extra length of cable to allow mounting on the wall. 2. Screw the sensor into the box and plug the sensor connector . 3. Plug the display flat cable . 4. Place the cover .

4. Sensotran, s.l – 23/09/2015 Página 2 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 3 1.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................ ................................ .................... 5 Sensotox C2 EC specifica tions ................................ ................................ ................................ 5 Sensotox C2 IR specifications ................................ ................................ ................................ . 6 Sensotox C2 LEL specifications ................................ ................................ .............................. 7 Sensotox C2 PID specifications ................................ ................................ .............................. 8 2. OPERATION ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 9 2.1 Physical Description ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 10 2.2 Installation ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 10 2.2.1 Installing ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 10 2.2.2 Uninstalling ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 11 2.2.3 Wiring ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 12 2 .2.4 Installing the unit ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 12 3 DISPLAY & USER INTERFACE ................................ ................................ ................... 13 3.1 User interface ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 13 3.2 Starting up the unit ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 13 3.3 Display readout ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 14 3.4 Alarm contacts ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 15 4 CALIBRATION ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 16 I – Zero Calibration ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 17 II - - Span calibration ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 19 Advanced Menu ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 20 5 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 26 6 MODBUS/RS - 485 ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 27

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