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Q-LINE safety storage cabinets | asecos

asecos Q-LINE (Type 90/30) – Robust industrial talent: Safety storage cabinets for the storage of flammable hazardous substances with integrated transport base, choice of seven door colours and cylinder lock with locking status
indicator. GS-tested safety storage cabinets for unrestricted storage of flammable hazardous materials in work areas in accordance with EN 14470-1 and TRGS 510 with a fire resistance of 90 (Type 90) or 30 (Type 30) minutes. All cabinets of the model group Q-CLASSIC-30/90 have been successfully tested in accordance with FM test standard 6050.

Large variation of models: Q-LINE safety storage cabinets are available in three widths (60, 90, 120 cm). The quality of Q convinces – that’s why we give you a manufacturer’s guarantee of up to 10 years.

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Large variation of models: Q-LINE safety storage cabinets are available in three widths (60, 90, 120 cm). The quality of Q convinces – that’s why we give you a manufacturer’s guarantee of up to 10 years.

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